View Full Version : Advise on a rash would really help guys....

Sal x
11-05-05, 12:36
Afteronn everyone..........

I'm pretty new to posting messages on this site but since I have been using it, I feel my anxiety has got loads better (so thanks everyone).

I know I sound paranoid, but I have this rash on the inside of my arm that is red and blotchy. I am so aware of it as its not always there but has just appeared this morning.

Generally, I have been feeling fine today but as soon as I saw this rash, I started feeling dizzy and light headed which my concious mind is saying that its the anxiety causeing all these symptoms, but my anxious mind is telling me to seek medical help as it is something that is going to kill me and the sooner I see someone the more chance I have. Just typing this out I sound so stupid but my mind works in very strangeways.

I go through stages where I think i am just going to drop dead as I don't believe that anxiety has so many nasty sides.

Advice and reassurance would be grately appreciated.......
Sorry to moan on[Sigh...].

Sal X

S Hill

11-05-05, 12:42
hello Sal,

Are you on any meds? Maybe the rash could be a side-effect of that. I had a rash on the inside of my arm when I was on St. John's Wort. Someone on this site also told me that anxiety itself can give you a rash so it could also just be that. If it would make you feel better, then go see your doctor about it just to make sure. We all get horrible side-effects with anxiety but none of them will harm us though we sometimes think that they will. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about so please don't worry..

Sarah :D

Sue K with 5
11-05-05, 12:49
Hi Sal

I suffered something called urticaria, which is a red rash(hives) is a popular name used for it.


I was like you I got absolutely panic stricken to start with, but as soon as I stopped worrying about it, it soon went away, I occasionally get it back when I am under a lot of stress

SO Dont worry, rashes can be caused by the most silliest things, I have an allergy to plasters, and last year I forgot about it, I was apparently born with it, anyway, I used a plaster last year when I cut my finger cooking,

My finger swelled up the following day and even though I should have know better, I panicked and took myself off to the doctors, and as I was waiting in the room I realised why it had happened, I felt such a pillock

Dont worry, get to the GP and she will know exactly what it is!

Dont Panic and good luck


11-05-05, 14:24
Hi Sal,
sorry you are feeling a bit scared right now, i too, suffer with urticaria/hives, i use cream to help ease any itching, what you described when you found the rash are typical symptoms of anxiety, by all means, if the rash persists, go to the docs. they will put your mind at rest, or a pharmacist may be able to advise. (just for piece of mind) it could be any number of things causing the rash, all of which are harmless, anxiety, heat, allergies, the list goes on. take care and keep in touch. By the way you are not paranoid nor stupid!

Sal x
11-05-05, 14:40
Thanks everyone for your quick responses.

It means a lot to know that I am not the only one out there with anxiety.................and god does it feel like it at the time!!

Has anyone every got completely better from this or am I stuck with this for life ??

Sal x

S Hill

11-05-05, 14:44
has anyone been cured (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3246)

100% recovered?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3368)

Maxine's cbt progress. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2308)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-05-05, 16:30
hi sal x, welcome to the site. I have rash come and go for years and after tests was told it was Lichen Planus, this is coused by anxiety too and even though it is uncomfortable and itchy at times is nothing to worry about. yes you are so right when we suffer anxiety at high levels it is so hard to beleive its just anxiety. I get all sorts of symtoms physical and mental and you are right we think we have a bad Illnes and going to die, but dont worry I have been suffereing anxiety on and off for over 40 years and these symtoms come and go. and yes if you try realy hard you will get lots better but it does take time, try to stay calm and relax and tell yourself there is nothing wrong with your health. take care. Vernon