View Full Version : Sick Of Everything

18-08-08, 12:20
Feeling sad..
Im just writing this quickly as my mum has banned me from the computer. She says its not helping me and nmp is making me think its okay to be like this. I dont agree with her but..what can I do?
I went on holiday last week and although I wasnt too bothered about going, it was very stressful for me. My mum and dad forced me to go on day trips every day..to the beach, for long walks etc. I ended up crying every day because I wasnt ready for it.
I'm now back home but I feel like they think I'm a failure.
There always saying how Im not trying hard enough, but I feel I put everything I have into just getting out the house some days. They just dont have a clue. :weep:
I'm supposed to be going to a wedding on saturday! How can I go? It feels so hard for me, but Im expected to go and I've said I will. I don't want to back out at the last minute, but then I dont want to end up having a huge panic attack or crying in the middle of the wedding.
Also, theres school (Im 15 by the way!). Im going into year 11, gcse year. I stopped going to school for the last 4 weeks of term and now Im expected to go back, with the help of counselling, in 2 weeks. I've told everyone I dont think Im ready, it terrifies me, but my mum says she cant homeschool me as I'll get crap grades and it'll ruin my life. She says I should just push myself to go for the last year, but she knows I wont go and she cant force me.

Sorry for rambling, but these things are getting me down and I need a hug :weep:


18-08-08, 13:08
hiya hun, at 15 you will feel alsorts of different emotions and sometimes not get on with parents etc, but i would say you should tell them if you are not happy, tell them exactly how you feel, if u cant write a letter. it will make you feel better for telling them and also they will know exactly why you are feeling and behaving like you are too.

im sure your parents love you lots although i know sometimes parents dont always get it, but try and get across to them how you feel and yopu never know they may help and support you.

have you had counselling? if not mayb ask your mum to get you some and work out exactly why you feel like you do and wots triggered it etc.

huge hugs to you hun and it will be ok in the end xxx

18-08-08, 13:13

Sorry to hear things are getting you down. I am sure your Mum and Dad are only trying to do their best for you but they probably don't understand how you are feeling. Even at my age, 48, people think they know what is best for me and my Mum thinks that I spend too much time on the computer and feels it doesn't help, if only she realised just how much help all you lot on here have been to me.

Perhaps once you get your counselling you might start to understand things more and start feeling better. Anxiety is very hard to deal with at any age and the people who care about us don't always understand what we go through.

I wish you well


The Fool
18-08-08, 16:02
aww sweety xxxxxxx its hard for people who dont experience it but we no and we will give you as much support and hugs as you need xxx

18-08-08, 16:29
Hi Stressed92:D A big WELL DONE YOU for managing to go on holiday AND to go out on day trips to the beach AND for long walks. Even though you were anxious and didn't feel like doing it the main thing is YOU DID DO IT:yesyes:
Your parents are obviously very worried about you, as they love you very much. When you love someone you hate to see them suffering and try to do everything you can to help them. If you feel you can't talk to them about how you feel, try writing it down and giving it to your mum, or print out what you have written here, it might help.:) I know how hard it is to go out when you are worried about having a panic attack, but you ARE doing the right things by going out to places:yesyes: Explain to your mum that you are anxious and worried about having a PA at the wedding and ask her to be with you for support. I hope you do go and enjoy the day.
:hugs: :hugs: to you

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

18-08-08, 17:05
Hi Stressed92,

Have you tried letting your mum have read through the NMP site ? she may not fully understand what its all about. I'm talking with my "Parent" hat on here, I have 2 step children of 21 & 23 and a 7 yr old daughter. Your mum is just trying to do what she thinks is best for you, but sometimes us parents dont look at the whole picture and yes we get it wrong, not that we like to admit it ;-). My parents are no different, when I told mine about NMP they said "OOh dunno if thats a good idea" basically because they really dont know what its about. You need to be able to talk about it as much as you can and if it means on NMP then I think should really let you get as much support as possible.


milly jones
18-08-08, 19:31
hi sweetie

hugs to u

we do understand

i agree with the other posts hun

talk or write to ur mum so she knows how u feel. let her see nmp and well talk to her if necessary.

it is so hard for someone who doesnt undertand anx.

take care and try and keep nmping

love milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-08-08, 19:54
Aww Amy hun ....you were doing so well lately.
I know us parents dont always get it right...we make mistakes, but we usually do these things because we love our children and we think we know best...
Give them another try and have a go at doing as milly suggested by writing how you feel into a letter and maybe your mum might be able to understand a little better how you feel right now.
Take care and hope it all works out...

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

21-08-08, 19:23
Thanks for the replies everyone. You're all so helpful:)
My mum found this post and printed it off and showed my dad too, so she does understand now.
Luckily, she wasn't mad I'd been on here without her permission:huh:
I think I am going to try to go to the wedding, I'm not sure yet.
And my counsellor has decided to have a meeting with the school and me to decide what to do about it.
So, everything is much better now:yesyes:
Hugs to everyone

21-08-08, 19:40
sooooooooo happy for you hun.
Enjoy your day at the wedding.
:bighug1: :bighug1:

21-08-08, 19:42

I am so pleased that things are looking brighter for you. It sounds to me as though you have really caring parents who will help you through this and with the help of your counseller I am sure you will get things sorted out. I hope all goes well at the wedding.

You take care and hugs back to you.


23-08-08, 05:29
Hi stressed,

Just a thought but have you invited your parents to have a look around this site and explained that it is NHS accredited, communication is usually the key to most relationships and situations. It might help them to have more understanding of your situation and also give them ways that they can help you to recover. There is nothing more frustrating for a parent than to see their child suffer and not know how to help them.

Again just a thought but they sound like they are just trying to look out for your best interests, so it can't hurt to give them the tools to do so; can it?

Hugs to you
