View Full Version : new to all this

18-08-08, 16:16
After some time searching a friend recomended this sight. I have been suffering from Heath Anxiety for at least 10 years if not more. i have been to doctors and they prescribed me prozac which i took for a year. i have also been for therapy. no one explained what was going on. i have been browsing this site and find it a little relief that i am not going mad and that i am not the only one who is like this. if any one has any tips on how i can help my self then they would all be welcome.


18-08-08, 16:31
Hi George and:welcome: I to thought I was going mad until I was given this site.Its been a life line for me,I have had so much help and support here.Everyone is brilliant.You will get lots of friendly advise.:hugs:

18-08-08, 17:05
Hi George 08

I posted this on another thread, have you tried any books.
These are two that are helping me.
You can heal your life by Louise Hay and Feel the Fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. I am sure there are many others
hope this helps

Best of luck



18-08-08, 18:13
Hi George

Welcome to the site I think alot of us thought we were going mad untill we came accross this site. I think that was when I started to recover when I found good info on what was really wrong with me at least then I knew what to start working on.

Take care


19-08-08, 04:24
Welcome. What I did when I first joined the forum was just review others threads and did a search on some of my biggest health concerns and I was amazing at how many others felt the same way. I hope that this forum helps you as much as it has me.

20-08-08, 20:42
Thanks i will try the books. does other people have good days and bad days?

20-08-08, 20:48
I am new to this too. But found a group called "no Panic" and they have a telephone recovery group. I have put myself on the waiting list to see how that will help me.