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18-08-08, 16:26
I'm sick.

For 6-8 months now I've been dealing with a lot of symptoms that have gotten much worse. I'm 24, male, and was an athlete about a year ago. I'm 6'2", skinny, and was in decent shape. Now, I'm not able to drive myself more than a few miles, and I'm not able to walk more than 50 yards or so. 8 months ago I would be able to do a good bit of physical work, and when I really exerted myself I would get light-headed, pupils dilate sometimes, heart beat fast and hard, have to quit and take a break. 4 months ago this would happen whenever I exerted myself halfway to the point it would take to get there 8 months ago. 1 month ago I was able to do my job and walk around a plant doing non-physical work for awhile, but it didn't take long to get to the same point. Now, I've been put on desk duty only, and getting from the parking lot to my desk is difficult.

- Light headed nearly 24/7 (only time I can get relief is when lying flat on my back or sleeping)
- Pressure in the back of my head when I try to walk very far or exert myself
- Scalp tingling (starts at the back rear of my head)
- Palpitations (skipped beats) that have come and gone for the past year. Typically staying a few days at a time.
- Inability to exercise or do physical activity without feeling like I'm going to pass out or have a heart attack.
- Anxiety
- Agorophobia that started recently (fear of being in a place with no easy means of exit)
- Excessive sleep (mostly just because it's the only time I'm not feeling like crap)

Doctors seen/tests done so far:
- MD -> countless blood tests for thyroid, flu, mono, complete blood count, vitamins, etc. finally called it anxiety, gave me paxil. I took one paxil, had all possible side effects, and quit. Couple weeks later, tried another paxil, had the same symptoms. Went back for the 100th time, and was put on buspar. Never filled the prescription.
- G.I. -> thought it was possibly an ear/nose/throat problem, didn't think it was anything G.I. Didn't want to do any tests.
- Ear/Nose/Throat -> consulted with them; said they might could explain the light headedness if I had an ear problem, but they didn't think it could cause what all I was talking about. Did a balance test today where they made me follow a lot of lights on the wall, then shot cold and hot air into my ears until the room was spinning. They said their initial thought was that it all looked normal, but they would go over it more and talk to me about it tomorrow.
- Cardiologist #1 -> Saw him 1 year ago when my doctor at work heard a heart murmur on a physical and referred me to him. He did an echocardiogram and renal test back then, and found nothing to cause a problem. Told me if I had light-headedness, fatigue, etc to come back. Regardless he wanted to see me in one year to do another echocardiogram to make sure nothing had progressed with the murmur.
- Cardiologist #1 (1 year later) -> Talked to him about two months ago and told him about all my problems I described above. He didn't want to run any tests and told me that I needed to exercise more and drink more water. I came back again 3 weeks later or so and told him I needed something done because I was getting much worse, and was drinking all the water I could and exercising what little I could and it wasn't helping. He then told me he thought I had a mild form of dysautonomia, and told me a clinic wouldn't see me until I got really bad with it and passed out every time I stood up. Told me to learn to deal with it, quit my job if I needed to, and see him again in 3 months.
- Cardiologist #2 -> After the answer from guy #1 I went to get a second opinion. He did an echo and a holter monitor test. On the echo, it came back normal. With the holter, I had about 40-50 palpitations while wearing it. It came back with sinus tachyardia and premature beats. They said it was normal, and not to worry about it. I was sent home.
- Emergency Room Doctor -> I ran out of places to go, and went to the emergency room earlier this week when I was feeling especially bad. Told them my story and asked for help. They wanted to do an MRI on the spot. I did it, it was all normal, they sent me home.

I'm out of places to turn to. I don't think all this can be caused by anxiety, but I can't get anyone to take it seriously. I feel like I'm running out of time and getting worse every week.

I tried something new. I went to my local GNC and picked up some Niacinamide. I took two tabs the first day, one in the morning and one in the evening. That's the best day I've had in a very long time. Took another this morning. The constant dizzyness I have been experiencing has gone away. But still, something doesn't feel right about myself, and I am having chest pains and head numbness. I feel like if I'm walking very far I breathe very shallowly, and then I begin to get even more light-headed.

Could this really be anxiety??? I don't want to give up yet trying to find some kind of tumor, disease, or disorder that is causing me to not be myself.

18-08-08, 16:49
if you have had all the tests etc which sounds to me like you have then I think you had to accept at the end of the day it is anxiety. Trust me, if it was anything serious then they would have found it. Accepting that it is anxiety is the only way to move on. I found it very hard at first but got there in the end. Its the road to feeling better.

18-08-08, 19:10
unfortunately - the answer is yes this can all be caused be anxiety, and its horrible isnt it? because you feel so bad you dont seem to be able to convince yourself that it is all caused by anxiety - but it is!!!! once you accept that you will start to feel alot better, because you will stop worrying and start thinking about other things which will lower you anxiety and then the cycle tha tyou are in will be reversed and you will slowly start to feel better, i would advise you trying to distract yourself from your fearful worrying thougths - much easier said than done when you are constantly gripped with fearful thoughts - but its the only way to stop yourself from constantly thinking about your health - hope this helps? emma

18-08-08, 19:45
Thanks so much for your replies! It's really hard for me to let go and just say "yep, this is anxiety causing this". I usually feel great if I'm layed back in a chair or laying down, but if I have to stand up and stand still for more than 2 or 3 minutes I get a lot of pressure in the back of my head and I get really dizzy. But then if I sit back down I'm fine again. I just can't figure out how if I have anxiety that the symptoms would act like that and be triggered not by stress or emotional factors, but they are almost always triggered by physical factors of how I position my body or how much I exert myself. And at times when I get so dizzy and have an "attack" I think to myself, "I am happy, there's nothing wrong in my life. What could be causing me to feel this way?" and I don't have an answer for it. I feel like I can't turn this around and make it better because really I can't think of anything in my life I wish was different, other than the fact that I feel like crap if I have to exert myself in the least bit or stand up and still for long.

18-08-08, 19:59
You would be surprised by all the things that can trigger Anxiety. One little pinch in my left arm causes a global melt down that makes me think I'm having a heart attack.

Meditation works and try controlled breathing. The more control you have the better you feel. Also it wont hurt to try therapy


18-08-08, 20:18
wow wish i could get all those tests done, just like you i think all this cannot be because of anxiety! i have all those symptoms you described! maybe try seeing a therapist for your anxiety.

18-08-08, 20:48
Hello chemlabrat (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=14817)

Its amazing how similar your story with anxiety sounds to mine. Back in may i suffered a nervous breakdown due to health anxiety. I was very poorly back in Feb following completing the end of my degree, and family & personal issues. I very much like yourself suffered the out of balance, dizzy feeling. pressure in the head, feeling constantly nauseated etc...I was a wreck. I don't think i actually slept for a few months as my mind was constantly be ticking over with worries over my health. I would be falling asleep during the day and as you can imagine it took its toll after a while and i started feeling worse as did my health anxiety. I a lot like yourself had been to the doctors several times and had an array of tests...which all came back clear/negative. However i was convinced i had a brain tumor or something sinister going on in my head. I remember begging my GP for an MRI as i had such weird head symptoms but she made it clear that this was not going to happen. All along my doctor thought my health anxiety/breakdown had stem from a bout of labrynthits back in Feb which had caused sinusitis/Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Me being me began to research health anxiety & illness. It became apparent after a lot of reading that inner ear disorder something i had experienced was in fact associated with panic & anxiety due to the nature of the illness affecting your brain mechanisms to control balance.

I am not by no means saying that what you are experiencing is an inner ear disorder however i am just trying to clarify how having health anxiety can cause 'blind illness'. I do believe you have severe health anxiety a lot like i had at my lowest point. The only was i was able to confirm this to myself was by reading into the subject...

I would recommend you access reflections, professional websites and journals specific to health anxiety...over time this will hopefully be able to clarify the doubt you have in your mind. The body & mind is an amazing thing. If you obsess over a heart condition, you will have chest pain...If like me you obsess over the head..you will get pains and headaches!!! Our mind may be a wonderful thing however it is not able to cope well with stress and its when these stress chemicals and thoughts are released in the brain our body mimics the symptoms associated with that.

I still now following being pretty much recovered in HA worry. Infact today i panicked when i had a headache...a headache the most common daily ailment. I have learnt to accept that i will always panic like this, however i am now able to now accept it and tackle it better when it does happen.

Since i have learnt to control my health anxiety i very rairly get dizzy or have a headache.....

Best wishes
Nicola xxx