View Full Version : Set back :-(

18-08-08, 17:05
I’ve been on Citalopram since January for anxiety and for the last few months have felt pretty good most of the time and actually dared to believe I might be over it. I’ve conquered quite a few things that previously caused me to get anxiety symptoms such as going out for meals, going on holiday etc. This weekend was to be the ultimate “test” as we went to stay with friends. Their house was the scene of one of my first panic attacks last year and we haven’t visited since. I have no reason to feel anxious around them as they are very close, longstanding friends and I’ve always previously felt at ease in their home. I felt a bit nervous about the weekend in case I might feel ill and, sure enough, spent a large part of the Saturday feeling nauseous and jittery, though nothing like as bad as what I experienced in the past. However, I think the fact that we all had a lot to drink on Friday night only to be woken at the crack of dawn by the kids (ours & theirs) didn’t really help. I was fine again by the time we left on Sunday but throughout today I’ve felt a bit a strange again on and off and keep going over the weekend in my head. I’m also worried as we’re away again for a couple of days next week with a large family group. I agreed to this when I was feeling strong and am now scared this will set me off again too.

I HATE having anxiety – will it ever disappear altogether and let me enjoy life to the full?

18-08-08, 18:49
Hi Mum

well done you for going and getting through it.
Since this is monday its highly likely that your still feeling the effects of the alcohol on your nervous system I know this is uncomfortable but rather than thinking ahaead and getting anxious about future events try to keep telling yourself you are having a couple of hours of a blip cause you had a drink.

Hope this helps

Pooh xx

18-08-08, 19:22
You might see it as a set back but I think you did brilliantly !!!!

Going back to the 'scene of the crime' is awful. And you did it. Ok so you had a wobble but you coped with it and you had a hangover and kids!

I think you give yourself a nice rest and try and get lots of 'you' relaxation time and then you'll be ok for the next trip away.

19-08-08, 19:46
Hi Mum

Well done from me too hun for getting through it!:yesyes:

I have had many setbacks along the anxiety route and i must admit they used to get me down, but now i just try and accept that i will have setbacks and when one comes along i just try and think of the next day as been a new day and hopefully a better one(which it usually is) You go have yourself a good time and dont let that anxiety get the better of you ! You are stronger than you think hun:yesyes: .


20-08-08, 01:41
Setbacks will happen. Two steps forward and one step back. It happens. Dont dwell on it! You are strong!