View Full Version : Progress, but still unsure...

11-05-05, 16:16
Hi all,

Well I have been back to my old job part-time for about 2 weeks now, and its been fantastic! Thinking about something else has gotten me out of my head for the most part, and its helping me regain my confidence in my abilities. I have also made a few little mistakes since I'm out of practice, but I'm not beating myself up for them, which is a huge step for me!

I've also been tapering my sleeping pills (zopiclone)...its been a week and a half and I've gone from 7.5 mg per night to 2.5 mg! I am so proud of myself, and this in itself it giving me confidence.

Only problem is that my old supervisor doesn't have enough money to hire me, so I've been volunteering. Its coming time to think about getting a "real" job. Thinking about this doesn't automatically terrify me like it used to. But I'm still worried that being in a new environment, with new people, new expectations, new everything might bring back the anxiety. What if I start having problems sleeping again after wokring so hard to come off the pills? What if I start having panic attacks again? Yes I know I should stay away from these what ifs, but I've really been struggling with this one. Is there any way to know whether the anxiety will come back? Any suggestions of what kind of self-talk I can do to try to get my mind away from these what ifs? Thanks everyone for all the support you've given me through this so far, I appreciate it!!!


11-05-05, 16:34
hi Lisa,

I don't think there's really an answer to your questions. I know think you will ever really know for sure that the anxiety won't come back or that you are ready to start working again. I think that these are chances that we have to take or else we will never get there. You are doing really well so there's no reason to believe that you will start going backwards..

Sarah :D

11-05-05, 18:17
What if you find and get a great job, what it you love it and what if you do really well at it ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-05-05, 18:49
and well done for coming down off the pills!!! good for you lisa loo!


11-05-05, 20:50
Hi Lisa

You've done so well so far, especially tapering the zopiclone [Wow!].

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Any suggestions of what kind of self-talk I can do to try to get my mind away from these what ifs? </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Try to think, instead of "what ifs", "so what" or "what will be will be", I know its easier said than done, but with practice, it may help you.
And also , tell yourself how well you've done so far, which is very positive. :).
Take care.

** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

11-05-05, 22:22
Hi Lisa

Glad being back at your part time job has gone well and you are feeling so much better.

As others have suggested, think about the positives of finding a new job rather than the negatives. There could be a job out there which you would really enjoy doing. Good luck.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-05-05, 10:22
Lisa - I had to give up my job of 3.5 years in February when my massive panic attacks and anxiety started. I did not think i'd ever work again in March.

For what is is worth, I started a new job last week and I am loving it, I feel a bit anxious in the morning before I start but all of the new things to learn stops your brain going into overdrive during the day. Two weeks in I am so pleased I did it. Don't think about it too deeply, go through the motions then before you know it you will just be doing it!!!!

Take the plunge hunny, you sound ready to me:D

12-05-05, 15:41
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your support. Meg..point taken, will try to implement that, as well at the "so whats". I am definitely realizing that I place too much importance on things and get myself all worked up.

As Sarah asid, I will never know until I try. No use sitting around forever, I will not get any farther ahead if I don't try...and that would be worse than trying and failing, right!?!

Having a bit of a blip with my zopiclone tapering...haven't slept well for the past 2 nights. But I recognize it as s blip, and trying not to let it get me down. This is a powerful drug, and this is just my body adjusting to life without it (or without as much, still taking 2.5 mg per night, so still have a bit to go!). So I think the job search is still on hold a bit, but I'll use this time to work on my thinking patterns about it. Thanks for all your ideas everyone, man I love this site!!!


12-05-05, 15:45
Thats better .. You go girl ....

Go and have a stomp round Stanley park for me ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...