View Full Version : Hugs for our friend amnikk

18-08-08, 18:59
Just want to send Nikk lots of love, hugs and support.

She is going into hospital tomorrow morning for an operation on her knee which is going to put her out of action for a while and i know she is frightened.

Nikk your gonna be just fine hun!! PROMISE!!!

Take care toots and "GET WELL SOON"

Love and hugs



milly jones
18-08-08, 19:09
nikki noo,

all the best for tomorrow hunny

be strong nikk

get this sorted and ull feel much better

lots of love

mill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-08-08, 19:12
Hiya Nikki
All the best for tomorrow

sending big big hugs xx
Titch xxx

18-08-08, 19:20
Take care hun...things will turn out fine and you'll be fine...
Love and all the best.
xxx:winks: :winks:

18-08-08, 19:23
Hi Nikk

Wishing you well Nikk

xxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

18-08-08, 19:28
Sending lots of hugs your way Nikk.....you'll do just fine and it'll be over before you know it!

love Coni XXX

18-08-08, 19:44
Oh my....

thank you sooooooooo much Lisa, Milly Moo and titch, Carol, Lesley and Coni.

I didnt expect this at all and you made me cry again. :huh:

I have everything ready at the moment incase I need it all. Just need to get up early and go to the hospital. Ive things to keep me busy, not that I will use them proberly.

anyone be up to tell my the time? as i have to leave at 6-30am :unsure: Lol

Anways, I will let you know how it goes, if im staying in I'll get Ness to inform you.

Thank you again.
Love nikk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

18-08-08, 20:43
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( WEE NIKK ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


18-08-08, 20:48

nikk good luck with tomoz i am sure all will be fine

let us know how you get on

jodie xxxxx

19-08-08, 11:34
good luck nikk
sending you loads of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
you will be just fine. . .

milly jones
19-08-08, 19:54
does anyone know how nikk got on today?

mill xxxx

19-08-08, 20:02
That's just what I was wondering Milly


Granny Primark
19-08-08, 20:08
Aww bless.
Im sure shes ok.

19-08-08, 20:44
Hi Huns and peeps

I hope you all get this message so you feel happy that Nikk is ok.
Nikk has done really well today, dispite her fears and obviously all the pain she is in she is doing ok. Lots of TLC will help.

I ve spent the day with her and went down with her to the operation room and returned after they finished.

Nikk has been extremely brave today and I know that you understand how difficult this day has been.

Nikk is staying with chris and I tonight and will return home tomorrow.

She is her being made to laugh by chris670 and dealing with it fine.

Im sure that once she returns home tomorrow she will be online to tell you all about it.

Nikk said to say thank you for all your care and support from you and will be intouch

love smudgie (ness)xxxxx

19-08-08, 20:51
Glad your ok Nikk...Get well soon hun xx
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

19-08-08, 20:56

Thanks ever so much for letting us know that she is ok! I txt her earlier but poor lamb will be soooooo tired so tell her not to reply till she is up to it.

Please just send my love and tell her Charlie is still a wee monkey :biggrin:

Thanks again and big hugs to Nikk


milly jones
19-08-08, 20:57
cheers ness for letting us know xx

love to nikk too xx

21-08-08, 12:59
Hi all,

Sorry for a late reply But I had to go back to Ness last night as I was struggling at home.

I had it done, I got worked up when I was about to go as I have a fear of lifts and I couldnt walk to the theate so It got to me abit, BUt they got me in the lift on the bed. I got to the theate about 11am after about 3 hours of being in the hospital. Ness came with me and I felt that I could have it done, So It went ok, I went tacacardic (sp) where my blood pressure went really low and they couldnt get round but after a while I came around. It scared me but I made it and nothign happened.

Then I sat with ness till I was able to move. and be discharged from the hospital. I came out about 3pm ish and went to ness for the night as I couldnt get home as I was in really bad pain. So I did and then came home yesterday but I couldnt settle and had to go back to ness's for the night. Which she didnt mind.

I now have to have physio every week if not more. and Im on pain killers that I am finding abit to manage all the time but Im doing it. I havent seen what he did to my knee yet as Im not allowed to remove the bandage till tonight/tomorrow. Im on crucths and having this, Ive pulled my muscles in my stomach which ddoesnt help at all.

Ive had to drop out of college as he did more things that was expected. He cut the tissue so my knee could move around more. But I will contune next yearnow this has been fixed.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that was there when I needed them. Also to Ness for coming with me all the time and not leaving and for holding my hand while everyhting was done.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


21-08-08, 14:06
Hey Nikk I Wish You Well, Im Sure Your Gonna Do Great Hun, My Thots Are With You, Love Linda Xxxxx

22-08-08, 00:10
Hi there..
Glad it all went well - what did you have done to your knee cause i have got to have an operation soon on mine :(


22-08-08, 01:09
hi nik

had my knee done a few years back and it was ok after a week so hopefully itwill be a quick recovery for you too.

i stayed awake during my operation so it was very interesting watching it on tv

enjoy the fuss, chill and heres wishing you a quick recovery

Julie :)