View Full Version : can any body tell me what happens when you have adrenaline rush

alan b
18-08-08, 19:31
hi i have hot and cold rushes after ectopic heartbeats,but latly i have been having the feeling every time i get so much asa twinge in my chest,i would love to now what it is .doctor says its adrenaline .does anybody else get this.love to hear from you.thanks

22-08-08, 07:25
Hi Alan,

The other night as i was trying to sleep every time i was about to go off i had little rushes and the damn things kept me awake most of the night!

When i experience it it makes me feel as though i have alot of energy and need to move, the sort of stomach drop feeling you might get on a rollercoaster, and sometimes as you have experienced, hot and cold flushes, I also feel sicky/shaky and a general sense of urgency although i never know what for as my body appears to release adrenaline whenever it feels like it!

Hope this helps a bit

Char xx

22-08-08, 09:45
Thats classic anxiety. It's what i used to get. Hot flashes in bed. Feeling of fear. Loss of apetite.

Next time it happens...enjoy it. I know that sounds strange but realize that your body is just hyperreacting to stress. And its not going to kill you. IF you accept it..and ride it out..you will watch the fear fizzle. In a split second...it might leave you tingly but "enjoy" this as well.

I guess enjoy is not the word...but if you fear the symptoms..the symptoms get worse. If you fear the fear, the fear gets worst. You have to have a so what attitude. And the panic becomes less and less intense until eventually you don't have it anymore. Don't worry. You are literally worrying yourself sick. As we all have done before. There is nothing to fear but fear itself and in the case of anxiety nothing can be more true.

Best of luck

22-08-08, 21:13
thats good advice...will try that next time, thanks xxx

22-08-08, 21:28
Sounds like typical panic attack. Sudden rush of adrenaline provoking a "fight or flee" response. When it happens to me, I tend to also feel my heart pounding, stomach churning, hyperventilating.

When it happens, I use a 'relaxation technique', I close my eyes, focus on my breathing, try to control my breathing, slow it down, picture in my mind of a calm tranquil scene, a beach with waves gently lapping at the shore, palm tree gently swaying in the evening breeze, sun setting on the horizon, and the tide slowly going out, the waves getting smaller... timing my breathing to the waves.. in & out... slower... calmer... cool breeze on my face.. relax... breathe easy... in & out...

22-08-08, 21:50
" the sort of stomach drop feeling you might get on a roller coaster," ha ya is what i get! sometimes its just a feeling other times its an intense fear kind of feeling. also i get heart palpitations too,

02-10-08, 12:12
Hi There!
I also get adrenaline rushes, I get quite scary ones which our a warmth feeling that rushes from my head to my bum.
The doctor told me it was all the blood cells rushing to your heart, that may explain why I go pale!
The doctor told me to cut down on caffeine which as helped a little and also helps to stop the palpitations.
All the best..