View Full Version : I feel like a failure

18-08-08, 23:25
Hiy every1
having a rough day .....I feel like such a failure .....Im struggling with anxiety panic and agoraphobia but have taken steps 2 get better ...seeing councillor who is doing CBT and have homework 2 do ...but deep down I feel a failure ....I have a daughter who is fantastic and i love so much Im a single parent ,Ihave my own house but struggle 2 pay mortgage esp being off sik ...im in debt beyond belief.....and just think at 35 I should be settled and in control yet im less in control now than when i was younger and I find it scary .
people say they wouldnt cope with wot I cope with and that im so strong but I seriously dont see that ...i just see failure at 35 x

sorry 2 rant but needed 2 get it off my chest and wud appreciate any advice on how 2 get bak in 2 control and feel like an adult and not a child xxx

Titch xxx

19-08-08, 00:06
hiya matey, are def not a failure hun u r doing brilliant and u are a great mum, please dont be too hard on yourself, we all at times feel bad and guilty but we all have probs and we deal withthem the best we can.

you will get there and counselling is early days hun, have you seen the CAB about your debts they helped me loads years ago and did me a payment plan and spoke to thecompanyes we owed money too and prioritised them all. they took it off my hands which was brilliant. may also see if you are entitled to anymore help and may someone could help you and support you while you try to find out. as for your agorphobia and panic well eventually it willsort its self out hun and you will have found lots of strength and confidence and you will be ok. hang on in there and all tiny steps are good ones matey andi bet your child thinks you are just the best mum ever. hugs and im alwas here for you. xxxx

19-08-08, 00:07
god sorry my typing is awful haha, im laying down half asleep xx

19-08-08, 00:24
thanx donna .....u always know what 2 say ..i really apreciate your advice .
will pm u 2moz as would like advice on CAB if thats ok xxxxxx

love and hugs xxx
Titch xxxx

19-08-08, 08:15
Being a single mother is an achievement in itself!
Having agoraphobia is so so hard. I feel i fail my son every single day of my life, but then i look deeper and see that he's fed, clothed, clean, he is polite, respectful, thoughtful, caring...(i could go on), so the bottom line is that i have done a bloody good job.
Okay, he doesn't get to do as much as "normal" kids, but hey, to be honest, this day and age, i'd rather have my child were i can see he's safe.
I've been a single parent and i have to say, i really loved it. Just me and my child, no arguing with "step parents", none of that nonsense....if i could afford it, i would be single any again any day!!!!!!!
Don't be so hard on yourself.


19-08-08, 10:11
I agree with everything belle has said
Stop being so hard on your self hun, you are far from a faliure.
Have a little more faith in yourself and be kind to you

take care


19-08-08, 15:24
I agree - you have achieved so much - dont beat yourself up - we all feel like that sometimes - i feel a failure for having panic attacks and it affectign my life over the last 28 years - but you are still here- I am still here - we manage the best we can - and thats an achievement!!! Wenjoy x

19-08-08, 16:49
Hi Titch

I have got to say there are days when i feel the exact same as you so i know where you are coming from.

I'm also an Agoraphobic single mum and at times the guilt really brings me to rock buttom.

But NEVER feel like a failure hun because think of the following........

There ARE people out there who don't love their kids.
There ARE people out there who put their kids in danger.
There ARE people out there who don't feed and clothe their kids.
There ARE people out there who don't provide a loving home for their kids.

I could go on for ever hun but i just hope you see where i am coming from here. Just because we have our problems, doesn't make us a bad person or a failure in any way.

Hope you feel better

Love Lisa

19-08-08, 16:52
you are so right lisa xxx