View Full Version : omg here we go again!!

19-08-08, 02:14
Omg, I've got a bite on my arm that is really itchy and has now bled prolly due to me scratching it. I have been bitten a million times so why is this one making me feel really anxious? It looks swollen & is all red. I'm scared that it is more than just a bite & I can't believe how anxious I feel! My arm feels funny & I feel sick!

I feel so stupid, why has a little bite got me so anxious? Lately I have been feeling more depressed than anxious, I don't understand:lac: :lac: I feel so embarassed:blush: :blush: :blush:


19-08-08, 03:16
i think there are a lot of things flying about and biteing people this time of the year your be fine

19-08-08, 04:08
Please dont feel embrassed. We all have our fears. My daughter is also very scared of insect bites. I tend to worry about alittle bit of everything. Huge hugs and try not to scratch it if possible. Do you have any antibiotic cream that you could put on it? Maybe do that and cover it with a band aid to help you not scratch. Hugs and I hope you feel better soon.