View Full Version : im curious

19-08-08, 09:54

What meds is everyone on?:shrug:

19-08-08, 10:18
I'm not on any meds at the moment but I am seriously considering going on them as I feel I have done all that I can by myself


19-08-08, 10:29
I take 30mg of Citalopram. I was taking 20mg for about a year but now take 10mg more since about a month and I do feel better.

I definitely do not feel better if I overload on alcohol or coffee - big no no!

Have you got a counselor Lilly-lou?

19-08-08, 10:37
No i've not got a councelor not been to the docs in 3 1/2yrs as I had a bad experience with one who spent the whole time yawning while I broke my heart so kind of been tackling things by myself.

19-08-08, 10:40
I had a counsellor who used to fall asleep! Damn them - how very rude!!!

There are good counsellors Lilly-Lou - perhaps try again? You may find you don't need the drugs. But personally I think, drugs alone will be like a band-aid but not get to the route of the problem.

What do you think?

19-08-08, 10:47
I have had therapy in the past that did help me and I've also been on meds too but the old ones(dothiepin but its not called that anymore) I crashed and become agoraphobic after a stupid doctor told me to stop them as I had been on them for about 3 yrs and said I was better and didn't need them anymore, how wrong was he, I am now begining to think so what if I have to be on them for the rest of my life as long as I can function as it has taken me another 7yrs to just be able to do the things I can and even then I need someone with me. My sis is on meds for anxiety and she says that her life is so much better now so I think that this will be the best route for me but I am so scared to take them as I had a bed reaction to one I was given.


19-08-08, 11:03
some of these docs are terrible - my mum was on protheidin many yrs ago i think its similar and she was told to just stop and she became agoraphobic... she is fine now - she had hypnosis but im scared of that

19-08-08, 11:05
Efferor 150mg per day, Edronax 4mg twice a day

Valium 5mg and/or Hydroxyzine 50mg as needed

19-08-08, 11:08
I've had two different types of hypnotherapy, one where they get you to relax and recall things that have happened to you which I didn't like and the other is where I was taught how to relax and visualise a calming place which I found much better although it did take me a few sessions to be able to trust the hypnotherapist and properly relax, and he also came to my house rather than me having to go to him, it did help me and I'm gonna have a few more sessions as I'm having another blip at the moment.


19-08-08, 11:15
Lilly-lou, our main priority is calmness so if the hynotherapy worked, why not try it again.

I was on top of the world for a couple of weeks recently because I felt "cured", because I got out of the anxiety trap and truly believed there is nothing to worry about. But what got me anxious again was a very boozy hen weekend and lots of booze... now I've felt rubbish for 2 weeks!!

So your hypnotherapy could have the reverse effect. It could bring more calm into your life which is a feeling you could get used to ...