View Full Version : Fluttering in my inner ear

19-08-08, 12:21

I think this topic might have been covered here before, but i have done a search and cannot find anything here so sorry in advance

My problem is that over the past 6 months i started with a small fluttering/vibrating in my right inner ear which was only happenning now and again

But about 5 months ago it moved into my left ear and is pretty constant throughout the day. The fluttering sound like a moth is stuck in my ear as regards to the sound though i know it is not this that is causing the problem. It is driving me crazy to be honest and has not subsided at all throughout this time

Does anyone else have this problem or any ideas that can help me

Thanks in advance

19-08-08, 13:30
Hello Scott

This sounds like tinnitus to me. I would make an appointment to go see your GP or Practice nurse. They may be able to syringe your ears or send you to an ENT for an hearing test etc..


19-08-08, 14:06
i found this on another message board "The fluttering is better described as ear spasms is mostly due to fluid buildup and or a festering ear infection"
also it may be related to Thyroid Disorders.
hope this helped!

Captain America
19-08-08, 14:34
i had this for a couple of months, and the docs found no ear problem. also had a ct scan of my brain (i suffered a bad migraine, apparently..) and that was normal too. the er doc said it's probably a muscle spasm. so then i started freaking out about what would cause a muscle spasm. in the end, i accepted it was anxiety and it stopped. like magic.

19-08-08, 17:11
i thought tinnitus was a high pitch noise?

i have been to my gp about 1 month ago now and he looked in my ears and said they both look clean but your left ear drum looks a bit dull

he gave me a a nasal spray called 'nasonex' and this has not helped one bit

this "The fluttering is better described as ear spasms is mostly due to fluid buildup and or a festering ear infection" sounds like a more accurate explaination of what i am feeling

i have another gp appointment this thurs so hopefully i will get some help, but i doubt it very much

any more suggestions as i dont think i am the only person with this problem..am i?

22-08-08, 12:56
I get something similar to this but it sort of sounds like a popping noise inside my ear and only happens when I swallow or move my tounge. I know sounds weird.. I think its most probly something to do with the fight or flight reaction and how your senses are hightened. Hope this helps, Amber

07-09-08, 14:05
I have had this and it sounds exactly like a moth fluttering inside your ear, I usually get it when my ears are too dry:shrug: dont ask me why but I think using cotton buds can take away some of the natural 'oils' that should be in your ear and the fluttering is just small pieces of wax moving around inside your ear. Yeah I know sounds absolutely crazy :wacko: (but then arent we all!) Easy solution for me was a squirt of olive oil spray from chemist called Earol - solved the problem immediately.

10-09-08, 11:47
I get this from time to time too, I had assumed it was a muscle spasm in my ear, disturbing isn't it? The build-up of fluid explanation makes sense to me as I've recently had an ear infection. I think some types of ear infection can make your eardrum look "dull". Apparently they look shiny and smooth when they are healthy. Did your doctor diagnose or prescribe anything?

milly jones
10-09-08, 12:48
i get this, like hairs being blown inside ur ear?

i di have tinitus, but this is a different sound/vibration

i just thought it was wax in my ears moving???

uve made me think now lol

milly xxx

08-03-14, 14:18
Thank you so much i was wondering what was wrong with my ear. I know i suffer from Progressive Bilateral Meniere's Disease but this with the spasms only started recently. It was a bit unsettling but after reading that it was a fluid build up i took my regular medication to help with the fluid and the spasms started to go away. I never thought it could have been something like this as i have been dealing with Meniere's Disease for going on 12 years. It is a big relief to see forums like this to help with possible problems instead of running around worried that there was a bug in my ear. :yahoo:

08-03-14, 15:23
It could be what is known as Tensor Tympani Syndrome (check it out) the fluttering sensation is a classic symptom and it is indeed as previously mentioned a muscle spasm.I think it is an anxiety/depression related issue

Dean Cozo
06-06-17, 20:31
Hi there I've got fluttering in my ears and everything is loud car alarms dogs barking my wife speaking all hurts my ears this has been doing this for bout 2 months now I have suffered with anxiety in the past but now it's back because of this painfull fluttering . Can anyone please help me ? Thanks

09-06-17, 19:12
There are many reasons that this could be happening. Like others have mentioned, tinnitus is one cause (it is NOT always just a high pitched ringing). You could also be having inner-ear spasms that create noises like that. I can't think of anything at all of the top of my head that has a particularly bad prognosis relating to near noises, but they sure are annoying!

27-11-17, 22:17
Thank God I cam across this site. I was really starting to thing something was wrong with. I have been having the same fluttering sounds in my ear periodically. They weren't constant and after words I felt fine. Know I am getting a little bit of a dull pinching sensation. I'm not sure if that means I have a serious case of tinnitus or from reading a previous list of symptoms I read on another site.