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View Full Version : Panic stricken

19-08-08, 15:22
I was sent home from work this morning i felt really ill, my poor husband even had to leave his work and come and collect me i couldnt have faced a taxi.
I was in the middle of taking a telephone call from someone and i just started to shake like a leaf inside and out. My lips were even trembling so i had to put the phone down on this poor man, grabbed my bag and jacket and ran to the loo's. My friend came to the loo's after me as she thought i didnt look well. Im a diabetic as well so part of this was my sugar dropping slightly, but i really thought i was going to collapse i felt so bad..my legs were like jelly my insides shook, i couldnt breathe properly...just couldnt think straight.
Ive even been trying to remember what my panic attacks felt like from years ago when i had them really bad, but i cant remember (stupid isnt it) ive just never felt so ill for such a long long time.
In fact i feel ill now thinking of it my stomach and hands are shaking.
I feel like ive gone so far back, whats wrong with me? My mind is doing overtime worrying.
Ive also got an umbilical hernia which has been niggling for a week or so and im worried this might be why im feeling nausea as well?
Anyone got any advice...

19-08-08, 17:16
It might be worth popping along to the gp and having a blood test to make sure everything is ok just to put your mind at rest really.It does sound like you may have had a sudden drop in your sugar which made the trembling bad or it could have been a slight panic attack.Had you eaten before or were you feeling hungry? sometimes if I am out and haven't eaten I can feel pretty lightheaded and jittery(I am not diabetic though). Considering you have an umbilical hernia the nausea may have been from the feelings of panic you were experiencing or it could be related to that,the condition may have responded to your inner feelings at that time.
I suffer from anxiety really badly and when I have a panic epsiode I can feel really sick and my stomach hurts so they could be connected.I am sure your doc will alay your fears so I hope you are feeling better now that you are home with your hubby.Take a few days off work if you can and chill out,it might just have been a one off,take care.

19-08-08, 18:24

I had this about a month ago and Alex had to come and get me from work and they had to lay me on the settee at work cos I thought I was going to pass out.

I had really bad panic/anxiety attacks the rest of the day.

I went to see the doc and he said I had a viral infection.

Hope you feel better soon but maybe have a chat with the doc to reassure you.

19-08-08, 20:13
Hi Nic and Mothermac.
Just back from the doctors and..yep..another viral infection, this is the 2nd one ive had this year.
The girl next door has had one for 6 weeks now, and shes still not well at all, maybe ive caught it from her ? i dont know.
Anyway theyve signed me off work for 3 weeks and then ive to go back and see them. She said it wasnt worth giving me any more blood tests so soon as id just had a full set done about 2 months ago. So shes made me an appointment to see my usual doctor on the 8th sept to see how i feel by then.
I can sympathise with you nic it made me feel really gross too, i felt like i was going to flake out at my desk. How are you felling now?
Mothermac usually i can sense when my sugar is going to drop as i get the tell tale signs of lightheadeness, burning sensation in my stomach or a little shaky, but this was really bad shaking, and not the usual for me.
I work for the nhs and the 2 first aiders at work couldnt see to me because their certificates had run out ? :whistles: got to laugh havent you:roflmao: or cry:weep: