View Full Version : Blip

12-05-05, 09:48
Hi Everyone,

I had a bit of a bad yesterday which really annoyed me because I've been feeling much better recently and any at any sign of any heart issues coming up I've been able to distract/ignore/relax out of it.

Yesterday though I felt really down. [xx(] Had a nervous feeling in my chest all day and at some points my heart felt like it was racing-then-normal-then slow (or maybe my brain was playing tricks). [?] I feel like a need a holiday or just to go away and do nothing for a while then come back refreshed -- but I'm behind in my work and need to put in for promotion next year so this is on my mind too -- so I can't do that (can't afford it either!). Also been helping my other half though a tough time with her course so I'm doing pretty much everything house-wise too. Also Just moved house and I can't even relax in the garden because the grass is too long and I don't have access to a garage, etc. where I can keep a mower.
I could not not get rid of the nervous feeling in my heart yesterday and also had various pains which I had last time I felt really panicky (wisdom teeth particularly, argggh....). My diet is good, I'm not drinking caffeine, haven't drank alcohol since my last panic and I'm trying to relax more, but still having blips and feeling poo.[xx(]

Arrrggh feels like nothing will shift this.:( And now I feel like I'm making mountains out of molehills because really I don't have any real problems in life -- and I certainly don't seem to suffer as much as most of you with this anxeity stuff. So now I feel a bit ashamed.

Sorry guys, just felt the need to get things off my chest and couldn't think of anyone else to shout at this morning apart from readers of this...
And even that i have to do at work because my broadband is still not connected after moving 3 weeks ago...... God, how can so many insignificant little problems seem like a disaster[Sigh...].

Right I'll shut up now and try to relax before doing some more work. Sorry readers of this!

12-05-05, 13:24
hi craig,

Its not wonder you are feeling anxious you have a lot going on at the moment, i think you are coping really well with it all, and that is what u should be telling yourself. they say getting married and moving house are two of the most stressful things, so you have done well not to get really wound up about it, just try and ignore that tight feeling in yr chest,

have you thought about getting a strimmer for yr garden it takes longer but is smaller to store, then at least u can chill in the garden for a bit,

kairen x

12-05-05, 15:16
Hi Craig,

No wonder you've been feeling tense...you have a lot of stuff on your plate right now! If it was me, I'd be feeling a lot worse (don't know if this will make you feel better or not[:P]

I think you have the right idea about relaxing more. What about a good book? Do you have a park nearby you cn visit if you don't want to sit in your garden? I think Kairen has a good idea for cutting your grass...the exercise would be good for releasing some energy, plus the work may distract you from your symptoms (which I find is key for them going away!). And, as always, coming on here and chatting always makes me feel better! Good for you for recognizing that this is a blip, concentrate on that, and you will get through this! Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on...


12-05-05, 15:19
"how can so many insignificant little problems seem like a disaster"

Thats a quote I use often. How it just seems so true. Especially if you have little problems building up. ....

Sorry I dont have much to say at the moment, I know I can relate. *hug*

12-05-05, 15:43
Craig.. Listen up..

You are doing great .. Anxiety does not disappear overnight - it takes perserverence and time and patience and practice..

**I've been feeling much better recently and any at any sign of any heart issues coming up I've been able to distract/ignore/relax out of it. **
This is great progress and you're currently stressed with all that is going on - not panicking . Stress is normal and will always happen so learning to cope and deal with it is a good investment..

Re mower- Kairens suggestion or find an elderly person nearby with one and rent it off them for peanuts for a morning.

Take each issue and think of all the options available and if you can't see the wood for the trees , we'll be only to happy to suggest some more and try to see the smaller pictures in manageable chunks rather than the whole overwhelming scenario..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-05-05, 16:27
hi Craig,

I think you are coping really well. Don't let the blip get you down!!

Sarah :D

13-05-05, 07:54
Hi Craig

I to think you are coping really well. Stay strong.


13-05-05, 09:10
Thanks everyone for listening.

I guess I was just down yesterday and needed to rant a bit. Thinking about it, I'm worrying too much about these chest/heart feelings too much, and that's just making everything else big.

Wierd thing is that a few years ago work was v. stressful and now I don't really feel stressed/pressured at all (apart from yesterday's rant!). I live in a really nice place a couple of minutes walk from the sea and it's very relaxing -- but of course the mind wanders and all of a sudden I start obessing about my heart again and the health anxiety pops up... :)

Reading the original post back it seems v. funny actually and sounds a lot worse than it is :) Right - I WILL convince myself that my heart isn't going to give up on me, and I will have a nice weekend. It would just be nice if I felt brave enough to have a glass of wine...

13-05-05, 14:02
Have a good weekend


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-05-05, 19:55

have a glass of wine then stop at the one and don't worry about it. I am sure it will be fine if you don't go silly over it.

Hope you have a great weekend.


15-05-05, 08:16
Hi Craig,
I think you're doing really well. A lot of my anxieties are centred around my heart so I know where you're coming from!

I agree with Nicola, have the odd glass of wine/can of beer. I have really cut down on alcohol this week but allowed myself a small brandy last night before bed and it didn't cause any of my usual ectopic beats/panicky feelings. Maybe the key is moderation.

I have also been taking chinese herbal remedies this week as everything just got too much for me and I was so fed up of feeling the way I do. Up to now, I have to say they have made a big improvement. No more feeling constantly anxious and my ectopics beats are only very occasional now. If you have any Chinese Docs where you live I would recommend you give it a try.

Keep relaxing, you'll feel even better when you can out in the garden, especially if the suns shining.

Take care and if you need to talk please PM me.

16-05-05, 10:08
Ok - here's an update....

The weekend was ok, not great but ok. Sat I had the nervous feeling in my chest on and off all day. But it was quite mild so more of an irritant than anything else (anyone know what causes it? -- normal heart rate etc.. just feels 'nervous' in the heart area...odd). Anyway I got through the day all ok so that was good.

Sunday was better, no anxious/stressed feelings at all for most of the day. Managed to get the landlords mowes and buy a plastic shed from B&Q so the garden is now sorted!

Unfortunately the nervous feeling came back Sunday night, accompanied by some palps and short bursts of racing heart. I slept ok, but this morning the nervous feeling reared its ugly head again and before I knew it negative thoughts crept in and I started to shiver and panic -- grabbed the thoughts just in time though, so managed to calm down v. quickly (phew!)

Trip into work was full of high heart rate -- but now seems to have calmed down (trying not to measure it!), and it's just left me with a tight chest. I wish this nervous feeling would go away....it lets the 'maybe there really is something wrong with me, and perhaps a 5 min ECG was not enough' feelings creep in.....Also it's hard to distract myself from.

So an ok weekend. I'm going to try the glass of wine trick next weekend I think. Lots of small exposures at steady intervals...that's a good strategy -- I actually (almost) conquered a fear of mine that way recently, so let's hope it works for anxiety too!

Hmmm, I always ramble, must find a way to make my posts shorter!

16-05-05, 10:12

Good for you.. thats really great news particularly **I knew it negative thoughts crept in and I started to shiver and panic -- grabbed the thoughts just in time though, so managed to calm down v. quickly (phew!)**

Its not all about feeling great (which is unrealistic) overnight its about learning to control them which helps you start feeling ok again and somewhere to build on.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-05-05, 10:29
Thanks Meg.

Like I said luckily for me I've never had a full blown PA, just a couple of "I can't do this/tunnel vision/DP" moments which I've managed to soldier on through (I'm stubborn at times:)

But this morning it scared me the speed at which I went from 'ok, its just a nervous feeling, you've got through this ok before' to a full on scared/adrenaline/panic mode. In fact, I think the shock was actually what snapped me out of it, and just left me with adrenaline looking for something to do...