View Full Version : Breathing

19-08-08, 17:10
So i 've been very good for the past couple months. Its been great. Two days ago, sunday night, i had a panic attack. Then last night i started worrying around the same time whether i'd have another one which brought on one of course. My problem is that i keep associating bed time with panic attack. during the day i'm able to keep active, so if i feel one coming on i'll go for a walk or something and it'll make me feel better. At night i feel helpless, because that's when i'm trying to relax. I don't know what to do, does anyone else have this?

Also, i tried deep breathing techniques to calm myself and prevent hyperventilation (i also work on breathing while i exercise). Problem with this, is that i then start to think too much about my breathing. It gets to the point where i have to make myself breath each time instead of it being natural like it should be. I know i won't stop breathing, but at the same times its almost like subconsciously i make myself stop breathing if i'm not forcing myself to breath.......if that makes any sense. BASICALLY, focusing on breathing to relax myself makes me listen to every breath the rest of the night and make myself breathe each time. Then i can't fall asleep, and now ever since i keep focusing on my breath and its spiraling downward. Can anyone tell me that i'm not crazy and this has happened. And what can i do?! It is at bedtime i suffer from this so i dont know how to get my mind off of it while im sitting in the dark in silence.

19-08-08, 18:46
hi mirror image exactally what i am going through again i make my own cards in the evening and i have just had a break from them for them for two weeks and then from no where smack they r back but i am also mentally and physically exhausted just want to sleep all the time and to do things is such an effort but as u say evenings r the worse i have not yet found a way to mind over matter them but keep on trying and so will i and if we find a break through let the other know if u need to talk please dont be worried u r def not going mad if u r i must be stark raving bonkers lol and although i might seem like i am i am not so good luck and keep in touch from tracy if u want to talk tracyscards@live.co.uk

19-08-08, 19:03
Going through exactly the same thing mate. I wake up having panic attacks and extreme anxiety. I feel myself getting worked up the later it gets because i know i'm going to have to go to bed. I have the same thing with breathing too. I find breathing techniques hard because it makes me too aware of my breathing, which like you just makes everything so much worse.
What i find helpfull is to watch some funny comedy. Stand up, the office, curb your enthusiasm, anything i love and makes my laugh. It takes my mind off breathing and feeling anxious.
It's a nightmare either way and let's just hope it gets better but you're not alone.

19-08-08, 20:15
Thanks for letting me know i'm not insane. Its just very irritating because all i want to do is get some rest. But there i am, making myself breathe even though its a natural reaction that will happen by itself! UGH. Even when i get my mind off of it, all of a sudden i'll realize it and be like, o look i was just breathing on my own, then im back to thinking about it again.

With my panic attacks its almost like i'm best when i dont aknowledge it. Once i start reading about it or thinking about it they get worse. When i go on my own business forgetting i get panic attacks and not trying to learn more about them, im better. Maybe thats just me though

19-08-08, 20:15
I have the same thing, so i will keep an eye on this thread i think.
But your not the only one.

Have you tried relaxing all your muscles before you sleep, like contract and then relax. From your toes all up to your shoulders. Helps me a bit.

20-08-08, 10:10
i am better that i dont acknowledge them as well put on my stubborn head and ignore but then as soon as i stop what i am doing thereugly head reappears it is driving me insane as i tried house work going out gardening and card making and they usually help me but just recently they r not working and the breathing exercises u r right just makes u more aware

20-08-08, 14:21
I try every relaxation technique i can think of. It seems like my mind wont let me think of anything else. It's tough because its breathing, so it's something you have to do every couple of seconds. the only thing that helped me sleep last night was that i was so exhausted i dozed off watching tv. Keeping you mind busy definetely works, but its trying to relax thats the problem. Weird thing is i was fine until my panic attack sunday night started this whole thing off.