View Full Version : Please could anyone help with this??

12-05-05, 12:43
Apologies if this is in the wrong place I was unsure where to post it.

Today I received the contract of employment etc for my new job. It is subject to two references (not a problem) and a medical questionnaire. its basically yes or no answers, with questions like "Have you ever suffered any psychological disorders such as anxiety or depression?" I always beleive it is best to be honest at all times but I really don't want to jeapordise my chances of getting this job. Do I say that I am absolutely fine to ensure I get the job? I have had very few days off work in the past due to anxiety so hopefully if this trend continues anxiety wont affect my job. Also would my doctor be able to disclose information on any medical conditions I have? Any help is very much appreciated

12-05-05, 13:13
Hi rhowes

This is something i have wondered myself, so look forward to replies you get on this x

kairen x

12-05-05, 13:30
hiya rhowes, i've been in the same position as u. when i went 4 my job, a few years ago i spent time in hospital with depresstion/anixty and had spent 6 months of work, i did tell them and they were great about it , in fact i've been 4 3 jobs and got them all, u will b surpised how many people suffer from this and if employers did'nt give jobs 2 people who suffered from panic/anixety/depresstion etc... then i say their would b alot of people not working and million of jobs out there. hope this helps love jwonka xxx

12-05-05, 13:34
It certainly does help, thanks Jwonka. I want to be honest so I will stick with the truth I think. Luckily for me Anxiety hasn't really affected my time at work, I get more symptoms when i'm at work but I can easily take my mind off it by actually doing some work! At least by being honest everyone knows where they stand

12-05-05, 13:34
p.s. i forgot 2 say i've only been in my current job since last aug, and since the new year i've been off sick with anixety and work have been really supportive and helpful xxx

12-05-05, 13:40
Hiya Richard,

I realy think you shoudl be 100% honest with them, if you hide it, then it will make it harder for them to understand if you do need time off for the anxiety.

Just be honest with them, they cant withdraw the job offer on the basis you suffer from anxiety. Being honest with them will show them that you acknowledge it and maybe you could just add a little note an explain that it hasnt been too much of a problem in the past so they understand more.

Honesty is always the best policy :D

Tatty B xx

12-05-05, 13:40
Thats very reassuring, i'm just reading through the mass of paperwork they sent me and there is a lot of information on how they support people with illness. Also get private medical insurance too, so I may be able to get help from that when i start

12-05-05, 16:28
Be honest and hope they provide you with some good help!! :D

12-05-05, 17:12
i had the same problem when i went for a interveiw last week for a new job and i got a questainre like that with the same questions but i lied and said no didnt want to stop the chance of getting the job.

12-05-05, 17:56
I decided to be honest but i'm having regrets now. My girlfriend thinks I should have lied just to make sure I got the job. As its a sales job which is quite stressful anyway I think they will be reluctant to take on someone with anxiety. I just hope everything goes ok.

12-05-05, 17:58
You never know with these things..

Just remember though that being honest will show them that you are a very decent person and this might help you as well..:D

12-05-05, 18:00
hiya, u have done the right thing, i work in a hospital and like i said before i still got my job, try not to worry and let us know how u got on- fine i'm sure xxx jwonka

12-05-05, 22:11
hi there rhowes,

the only way your new emplyer would be able to find out is by your previos emplyer stating you had time off work for anxiety and depression.......is that on your personnel file??

in addition, if you have ever only had a couple of days off for feeling down then I do not suppose this consitiutes a problem at all.

mmmm.........only you can decide what to do.......but if it was me.......id leave it off but as i say do what you feel is best.

I think if you have had lots of time of work before with this then yes it should be mentioned but a couple of days is nothing.......


13-05-05, 10:38
I agree with everyone that it's best to be honest but I can understand why you would want to leave it off the forms. I know if I was in the same position I would be worrying too! From what you said, the employers sound quite supportive. These days lots of people suffer from anxiety and depression and employers are realising that they need to be more sympathetic and flexible towards their employees.

If you went to the doctors about your anxiety then they would generally disclose in on any medical reports they send but I'm not 100% sure.

Also remember that they wouldn't have offered you the job if they didn't think you were up to it :)

13-05-05, 12:18

My ex (who once had a bad patch years ago) decided to leave it off his application form with the full support of his GP, who said whilst obviously he would state any facts if asked, would not be making a meal of it. My ex has never had any comeback as far as I know.

I, however would answer it honestly (probably why we are not still married) but I'm the sort of person who feels rebellious just ignoring don't walk on the grass signs. I kinda think they would admire you more for being honest.

Well that didn't help at all did it!!!!!!!!!!

Love PIglet

13-05-05, 16:52
Thanks for all your help (even piglet!!), joking apart you were helpful. I went down the honest route but played it down a bit, hopefully everything will be ok. I havent had any time off with it so that should count for something.

13-05-05, 17:06
I graduate soon, and I dread having to explain to prospective employers why I started university three years later than most other people. The independence of the student life suited me perfectly- the thought of an office job is terrifying. Yes my middle name is neurosis, but im guessing that its shared by many others here!! If everyone who has suffered from depression/is taking meds was considered unempoyable, the western world's economy would collapse!!! HOpe you get the reply you were hoping for

Nolite te *******es carborundorum

13-05-05, 19:46
I was asked a similar thing when I joined Britannia Airways and I was honest and told them.

I figured that if at any time the anxiety got so bad I needed some time off then I could at least say "well I did tell you about it and you employed me still"


13-05-05, 20:16
Nice way of looking at it Nicola!! I always prefer to be honest so i'm pleased I was, if they don't take me on because of it then I will be very disappointed but as you say if things get bad with my anxiety then I can say I told u so!

Just out of interest Nicola, did you get the job with Britannia? Sounds like you did but confirmation would be reassuring.