View Full Version : Help - Meds or Not, I need to know???

19-08-08, 18:33
HI all,
I suffer from anxiety and bad hormones probs and I have been trying different things but nothing seems to help.
I would love to feel normal again and not get the anxiety and panics whenever I feel an ache or pain, see life as fun and have the energy to go and do everything I want to do.
But my doc hasn't prescribed me anything other than hormone things and I would like to know how you guys think? Have you been on meds and found it really helped you lots and got you through without being such a worrier?
Am I hoping there is some miracle drug out there or do anti-depressants actually really help with PMT and anxiety issues? Any views or experiences would be gratefull received.

20-08-08, 00:05
It's really an individual thing. Some things work for some and not for others so it's all about seeing what works for yourself. From the sound of things it appears that it is something that you need to talk through with your doctor and if you have no luck there then ask the doc to refer you to someone who can help. Some doctors will happily pass out meds whereas some won't but I've found to my cost that you have to pester them.

All the best


20-08-08, 00:19
if you never tried antidepressant might as well give them a go, they really helped me out when i was super depressed, my mood was lifted so i think thst also helped with my anxiety, best thing for me is therapy.
ya talk it over with your doctor just to see what your options are

20-08-08, 01:27
For some people they work great and help alot. Some it can take alot of trying of different meds to find the right mix. I do believe that the meds I take are the only things that help me lead a somewhat normal life.

20-08-08, 11:55
You could start by telling your doctor what you've told us. You need to see a counselor first off, preferably one that practices Cognitive Behavoural therapy I should think. That, alongside medication is often a good combination. But meds are not always necessary. Get some help my dear - don't suffer alone x