View Full Version : I can't understand this..

19-08-08, 22:15
Not sure whether to post this in Panic Attacks or here..I think here might be more appropriate.

As I have mentioned in other posts, I'm agoraphobic and suffer from Panic Attacks, I also had to make quite a difficult journey on Sunday.
I have been reading Claire Weekes and even stuck the book in my bag for to remind myself what I needed to do as I have a real problem differentiating between accepting and fighting a panic attack. By the time I got off the bus I was very relaxed, almost sleepy and ready to float. :) Anyway, I managed quite well on my outward journey (even walked THROUGH a very crowded Trafalgar Square :ohmy: ) without turning into a jelly. I'm not sure if I fought it or accepted it but I did ok.
Unfortunately, the purpose of my journey wasn't a pleasant one but I had prepared myself for the fact that it would be difficult. However, I wasn't prepared for the fact that everything that could go wrong did so and in a big way, I was angry and upset but managed to deal with things. The journey home was reasonable considering how hyped I was, I did have the start of a big panic when I hit central London again but by this time all thoughts of acceptance had gone out of the window and I jumped on the first bus that came along.
I was still feeling angry when I got home but didn't give it too much of my time and I settled down to watch telly and went to bed at my normal time.
I woke up at 4am with my mind playing flashbacks of the previous day and a whole heap of terrible and depressing thoughts slamming into my brain which i just couldn't control. 2hrs later, I just started sobbing and wailing I had no control over that either, this was something else, it felt like my heart was breaking.
It went on for 2 hours with my poor hubby trying to comfort me before I dragged myself out of bed and tried to get on with a normal routine, I know the worst thing to do is nothing at all.
Anyway, I spent most of yesterday with a brain that didn't want to function, I kept falling asleep and was sweating and shivering even though I didn't have a temperature. Now I have problems in my life as we all do but I can normally get through without breaking down like this (breaking down seems the most apt description). I am now wondering if this could have anything to do with me trying to "accept" the stuff that causes me anger and upset?
I don't know, I'm really confused at the moment but I do know that I don't want to go through this again.
All opinions gratefully received and thanks for taking the time to read this.

PS. Sorry if this seems a little jumbled, I still don't feel quite back to normal.

20-08-08, 00:00

First and foremost I have to say one thing. As an agrophobic who hasn't ventured far from home in a long time if I had just done what you did when I got home there would have been a couple of things I would have done. Mainly cartwheel, back flip, pop open the champers and give myself a big congratulations for getting through it. We forget all too often to celebrate our achievements and it is worth giving the time too.

I can't say for sure but it sounds like you got through it via grit and determination rather than acceptance. I might be wrong on that though but it matters little. What does matter is that you got through it.

The aftermath can't have been nice. Without knowing the facts it sounds like whatever distressed you was not to do with your anxiety. It may be that you needed to give this problem some time when you got back before going to bed and that is what has started eating away at you as you slept. Then when you awoke with this unresolved problem it set off the anxiety.

That's just my own opinion though. I can't help feeling if you were just going there for something pleasant and then came back home then you would not have had the problems that woke you up.

All the best


20-08-08, 01:31
I agree. You did it! That is what matters. That shows you do have the strength in you. Dont worry about the after effects focus on as much positive as you can!

20-08-08, 14:48
Thanks Nechtan and Alison, I really appreciate your kind comments.
I guess I did do ok really..:blush: :) ..just got to get out of the success/failure method of thinking!