View Full Version : can't cope anymore (please help)

19-08-08, 23:47
hey everyone, the last few days have been horrible and i feel so anxious. today at work i felt so bad i thought i was going to collapse.

i have been getting a lot of things going on with my head, headache, head pains, my head feels really tight as well and my brain tumour fear is ressurfacing especially since when i move one of my eyeballs, my brain hurts so i think something is hitting against a tumour what do you all think?

also...i feel dizzy quite a lot and off balance and light headed like i'm gonna fall over.

i'm so scared that something serious is wrong with me? can it all be anxiety? i don't understand it and i can't cope anymore.

Please reply ASAP i really need some reassurance
love Louise

19-08-08, 23:50
you will be scared but your be ok you wait and see

19-08-08, 23:55
are you sure its just anxiety? can it really make you feel terrified and cause all these symptoms.
please reply
love louise

20-08-08, 00:02
yes anxiety can give you all sorts of symptoms and then if you get worried about the symptoms it makes the anxiety worse. if you look in the symptoms forum you will see all the strange symptoms we get because of anxiety, if your eyes and head hurt its more than likely a tension headache, where your eye muscles tense up n it gives you head pain.
have you seen your doctor about this? don't worry you will be ok! i know right now you are scarred, but you will be ok x

20-08-08, 00:05
heres a list of symtoms ALL caused by anxiety.


Burning, itchy, tight scalp
Dizziness or light-headedness
Frequent headaches,
Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness
Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness
Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling
Shooting pains in the face
Shooting pains in the scalp or head
When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards
Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache
TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) - clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth

20-08-08, 01:29
Most of the time while we are experiencing the terrifying effects of anxiety it is impossible to believe that it is anxiety causing it. Its usally only afterwards once you feel alitte better that you may start to realize that it is anxiety. Either way it is terrifying. But it cannot kill you. You will not pass out, it will be ok. I hope you feel better soon!

20-08-08, 03:15
I have had all the head issues you are talking about HUNDREDS of times within the last 14 years. It is anxiety, trust us when we tell you that.....we have all experienced parts of what you are describing. I know it is hard to tell yourself that it is just the mean little anxity demon getting to you, but you have to keep reminding yourself of that.

If you work in front of a computer all day long, that can cause the head tenseness - from your eyes straining.

Can you listen to music at work? I find this keeps me distracted. ALso - I have found that aromatherapy candles help me relax.

Hang in there - it sucks but I would rather deal with this than some of the horrible things some people have to live with!