View Full Version : What? Help!?

20-08-08, 03:09
I have been having tingling sensations in my face, tongue, lips, hands and feet - pins and needles like. I went to the doc and she says it is a histamine release? Huh? SO she gave me steroids which I am terrified iof taking.

I googled histamine release and found not much info or anything regarding "tingling" that goes with it. I have recently had bloos work done so she didn't need to do anymore blood tests. All she did was listen to my heart and feel my pulse.

Has anyone heard of this?

20-08-08, 04:28
Honesty I never have. But if she thinks thats what it is maybe give it a try. I wish I could be more helpful.

20-08-08, 05:57
Hi sorry to hear you are feeling a bit crap. I have read that anxiety can make you have tingling sensations around your body,I have read other posts on here regarding this,have a look around the site and see if you can get more info.Regarding the steriods,my husband suffers from Chrohns Disease and takes a high dose to keep it in check,he says they are a good drug and is scared he will be taken off them some day,I know his condition isn't the same as yours and every experience on tablets is different but maybe they will help you cope at this time.Sorry I can't help more but I hope you get some relief soon.