View Full Version : Fed up!!!!!!!!!!

20-08-08, 03:48
Here we go again just woke up time 3.40 straight into a panic attack.....i cant take much more of this....i feel like s***. The doc put me on citalopram only two days ago but since takin them i feel worse. My head feels like its goin to burst!!!!!!!!!! Why wont they just go away??????I want to be how i was 5 months ago FINE. I feel as if i,m goin mad......Wat do i do?????

20-08-08, 04:27
I am sorry. Make an appt with your doc asap. I am not sure if it takes awhile for that particular drug to work but the majority other than benzos take 4 weeks usually. Panic attacks are horrible. I have had them 17 years now and still as scary as the first one.
Try to distract yourself anyway you can. Try a breathing relaxation or writing out your thoughts etc. If you focus on the panic it will get a hold of you. Huge hugs.

20-08-08, 05:10
AW hun i know how you feel ive been waking up at 3am and 3.30am for months now, its so frustrating because i know as soon as i wake i will start feeling anxious straight away. Like alison said try to distract yourself so that your not focusing on your panic, i come here and play on the games to occupy my mind and it does help.
Take care and good luck

20-08-08, 05:40
Sorry you are feeling s...t,I do too at the moment as anxiety is ruining my life and my nights!I cannot sleep and haven't had a decent kip for months and I mean months.The doc gave me some sleeping tabs but I am too scared to take them pathetic really aren't I?I deserve this if I won't help myself.I wake up at all hrs during the night straight into a panic attack which stems from racing thoughts and negative thinking.I would go back and speak to your doc and tell him about how you are feeling again,but those sort of tabs take a while to kick in and you may feel a little jittery until they get into your system properly.I come on here when I can't sleep and this helps,I am frightened about the lack of sleep I am getting and worry about how my body will react,I am literally frightened witless,my husband helps me but nobody can help me with this it's a private battle.

20-08-08, 09:16
Just hang in there. If you let it rule you, you will undo any progress you have made. I know how hard it is, because I (like most everyone here) struggle daily to stay positive and ahead of my negative thoughts. Go talk to your doctor, if you cant hash something out with him/her. It really really sucks and I feel for you completly, Panic attacks are all consuming. Still, dont dwell on how things used to be. You can, and will get better, but dwelling on the past will only make things worse. I often find myself in that thought pattern. I think about how things were, and how much better I felt before panic and anxiety took over my life. But I cant be active in the past, things only ever happen in the present, so I will take what I have and live with it, because there is no other choice (at the moment). Just hangin there, you will start to feel better. It takes time, and I know how frustrating it can be, but be patient. We are all here for you.


20-08-08, 16:47
Things will ease slowly. Find yourself something to occupy your mind or look after like a new hobby or a pet. I know its hard - I have been there and felt like ending it all, but I am looking forward to a ferret, a walking holiday in the Lake District and a survival course in the Brecon Beacons. Find yourself just ONE thing to look forward to. It will make a world of difference.