View Full Version : Rang anxiety helpline and now scared even more

20-08-08, 11:28
Hi, i have had a couple of easier days from the awful thoughts and panic regarding possession by demons. This morning though i called a anxiety helpline and told the woman my fear thoughts. She said you picked a good one there as no one can disprove it , its up to you what you believe. i have been having huge panic attacks after i put down the phone and feel there is no hope as i can't now stop being afraid of these thoughts. Sorry i just needed to chat about this, love Carol.

20-08-08, 11:40

You get more of what you focus on. If you focus on demons, you will get demons. You need some distraction - big time! Believe me when I tell you that there are no demons. The same applies to myself, I have this problem that when I look at the sky I get scared, but that's because the eyes through which I view them are scared.

We have to truly believe ourselves and our friends when we hear the words - everything is ok, it's just the anxiety calling.

20-08-08, 14:38
Hi Carol,

I'm truly sorry that woman stated what she did, I don't think as a professional she should have said such a thing as it has made your anxiety much worse. I agree with what Emma has said our thoughts control everything, it is our reality and our perception. You need to try and control your thoughts by seconds, then minutes and eventually blocks of hours. Try to live in the present, not the past or future. This helps me. I would imagine if you believe in the bad you must believe in the good so do your best to focus on that and you will feel much better. These thoughts of ours can really do a job on us if we let them.

Take care,


20-08-08, 14:42
That isn't what you want to hear and someone on an anxiety helpline should really know better.

As already said you need a distraction to take your mind off of your recurring thoughts. Just for the moment. Obviously at some point it is something you will have to face but only when you feel you are ready to do as that is the only way to get over it. But short-term that is of no use so I would also advise finding some distraction like a book, DVD or music or else you are just left lingering over the same troubling thoughts.

All the best


Veronica H
20-08-08, 15:08
Hi Carol

It is unfortunate that your over sensitised nerves have latched on to such an unpleasant thought, but it is important that you realise that is all this is - a thought -you are in a fear/panic/fear cycle because of it. A few weeks ago I found myself in a fear/panic/fear cycle because I had applied my hair dye and it reminded me of a panic attack I had in the hairdressers. I was then convinced my hair dye was harming me etc. This is an unfortunate side effect we all have when our nerves are trying to repair themselves. Carol you are not possessed by demons and if you keep telling yourself that these thoughts are panic and anxiety trying to play themselves out then this should start to take some of the fear out of them. We all know how powerful these thoughts are, and how frightening they can be but the demons and the hairdye are one and the same thing in this illness. I agree that you need to take your mind off things, but you are right to voice your fears. Keep talking to us.
Best wishes
Veronica H

20-08-08, 15:56
Hello Carol,
Do you have any pets ? There is a reason I am asking.

20-08-08, 16:21
Thankyou all for your help and to dear Jill for all her messages of advice and support, it means a lot to have people who understand. i just found the number on a UK website after a anxiety internet search, it is a well known one run by a man who had anxiety but it was a woman who answered the phone. I won't make that mistake again. I'm sorry if i appeared selfish, just worried about my own fears and thoughts, i truly understand everyone here has their own so please forgive me. Paul i do have two cats as pets. best wishes, Carol.

20-08-08, 16:38
Hi Carol,
Listen - you have nothing to worry about with two cats. Cats are amongst the most sensitive of animals, and as long as they are with you, you are quite safe. Spend a lot of your time giving your cats cuddles and playing with them. They will understand and help you to feel better :)
Take care

20-08-08, 16:39

I can relate big time. For me, the unprovable thought is 'am I really here or is this all a delusion and actually I'm up to something really bad?'

I feel terrible and can't shift the idea out of my head. I think I'm so troubled by it because I know I can't prove it to myself. I just have to trust. When I'm a bit calmer, I can see it for the load of tripe that it is but like right now, I can't get past it. However, if I can see I can't prove it, surely thats a rational thought? Maybe I'm not going mad but it sure feels like I am.

I went to see my GP this morning, I know I did, but even that thought starts doubts in my mind. I hate uncertainty and always have. Here's a thought that can't be proved - what do you do?

Doc has given me some valium and I was expecting to feel piddled once I took one but the truth is, 5mg hasn't made any difference.

I've had to come off work and spend my days walking and walking and then trying to chill out on the bed. If I lightly dose, I can think of other things but if I try to convince myself of anything at the moment, I just start more doubts running.

It feels like quicksand - the more you fight and struggle, the more you sink. All the advice I've read says accept and float but I just don't know how to do that when somethings frightening the living daylights out of you.

Not much help Carol but as you can see, you're not alone. I'm certain you're not possessed by demons as I don't believe in them. I do believe all anxiety sufferers have demons to deal with but they're not external, they're part of us and it's called imagination. Great when being creative, bad when you turn it in on yourself. Try to let the thoughts go - the more you worry about them, the stronger they get. Try thinking about your demon sitting on the toilet, if they exist, they must have bodily functions to take care of!!

One thing I've found common to all the people I've talked to with anx is that they're both very caring and also deep thinkers. Thats why the bad thoughts hurt so much.

Keep talking, that way I'll believe I didn't imagine this conversation!!
