View Full Version : Just crap or not??

20-08-08, 11:31
Ola everyone

OK so last week i had the most horrendous eye migraine i think they are called ocular migraines. Me being that little bit of a hypochondriac with my head & health googled.....yep googled this pain in your eye and found it to be a common ocular migraine.

The next day i went to the opticians to get my eyes tested and it turned out i am straining my eyes by not wearing my glasses and im now very short sighted. They checked the inside of my eyes and gave me the all clear. Despite this i always have doubt as we all do with health anxiety so i began to research more. I went on to medhelp and send a message to an ophthalmologist with symptoms.

He replied... He told me that eye migraines are not caused by eye strain of any sort but did say i need to wear my glasses as i will make my eyes 100 times worse. He also went on to say that i need to get MOVING and see my GP as these symptoms could also be something serious like an aneurysm????????????

So i freaked out....what do i do? Is he correct? I have looked it up and it does say that usually there are no symptoms with a aneurysm until it bursts however you can sometimes get pain in your eyes or forehead..grrrr so what i don't wanna here!!

What do i do?


20-08-08, 12:50
Would an MRI rule out aneurysms? I'm asking because I have the same feeling right now as you as I'm typing this. Pain in the center of my forehead as well as my right eye. But I also had an MRI that came back normal just a week ago.

20-08-08, 13:40
Am not an expert on this one as the eyes are one area I've yet to worry about (though no doubt it will come....!!!) but I would do as you are told and go and see your GP, if nothing else you'll feel reassured and having some kind of test done would put your mind at rest (am fairly sure that an MRI would show an anneurysm to anwer the other person....)

BUT to reassure you, my father-in-law suffers from Occular migraines and has for 20 years..... still alive and kicking with no sign of anything other than that.... and more to the point, he has NEVER been told to have any tests done...

20-08-08, 14:14

put your hand out till I slap it. You googled! That was bad. If you are concerened about you headaches then go to the doc and if you cant get a grip of the anxiety over this one get your mind put at rest while you are there. And while Im hear gimme the details of that opthalmologist till I kick his butt lol

And make sure you got your specs on so you can read this! lol

You are gonna be fine but get to the docs if you really feel you must.

Pooh xxxx

20-08-08, 14:37
Ha i have just laughed lots reading your replies!

I do feel fine & very rairly get headaches & that eye headache was just in the eye nowhere else!
I cant believe that eye doctor said that...what a jackass, talk about making someone worry!
If i get any further problems guys i will go! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-08-08, 18:45
that doctor is a nut..

i get horrible headaches all the time, especially ones involving my eyes and stuff. please, do not google. not every headache is something to worry about. when it's expecially bad, you'll know. trust me. how old are you? you might even be too young for stuff like anuerisms.

20-08-08, 19:00
Hiya nic....... You googled ARGHHHH ...lol naughty ....i suffer with migraines...dont get bad heads that much just get pains in my eyes and black blobs .....Ive been 2 opticians twice and seen someone at the hospital and the last time i went 2 opticians i was told some pain WAS caused by eyestrain and I had glases which I never had before and they have helped ......I dont know why that quack said you dont get pain with eye strain as its attached 2 muscles and like any muscle you can strain them.
Start wearing your glasses and to put your mind at rest go see your GP hun xxxxxx

20-08-08, 20:48
yep that doc is a dick for making me worry like that. I get eye strain loads when i have been commuting....he should no that would cause pain!!

I was so worried this morning and panicked a little since. Thank you for reassuring me titch, it has a lot knowing you get these eye migraines too....im so annoyed at him!

If it happens again i will go to the docs. Yanksforever i am 25 hun!


21-08-08, 00:54
Your migraines sound exactly like mine (I'm 26). I just had one today right across forehead, but mostly they are around my right eye to my temple. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for them, so I will let you know what he says. I've always gotten headaches, but just started getting the migraines over my right side of my head about 4 months ago. So I would assume if it was an anuerysm, I certainly wouldn't be here now! LOL!! I have to admit though, that your initial post got my heart pounding with anxiety! I love this board, but it can feed the anx/panic sometimes too!

It helps a great amount to know how many other people on here have the same symptoms!

21-08-08, 01:30
i have had bad migraines for ten years now, it affetcs my vision n i get really sick, on a waiting list for an mri only because i get migraines so often, i had one done years ago n everything was fine, i find a hearb called feverfew is very good at preventing migraines.

21-08-08, 03:22
soapy mug saying that hes not a doctor the know nothing dope
dont go there again hes mad

21-08-08, 08:27
So you think headache just over the one eye & not affecting the head is still a migraine?
Thankyou guys!

Imagine how i felt when i read what he had sent me saying GET MOVING...i am considering making a complaint but would like some advice of a GP first !! xxx