View Full Version : Missing another day of work

20-08-08, 12:46
I called in sick again today. I've used all my stored up sick leave, and am now using vacation time to be able to stay home. Yesterday it was all I could do to sit at work all day and make it through. While I'm at work it's like I'm in hyperanxiety mode. We have a plant that I did work in where I was out in the field a lot doing my day to day job, but after several bouts of really intense light-headedness and feeling like I was going to pass out while doing my job, I have been assigned to desk duty only. So now when I am able to go to work, the whole time I'm there I'm having light-headedness, heart symptoms, etc until I'm not really able to do my desk job well.

If I can't overcome my debilitating anxiety, it will be a matter of time before I lose my job. Has anyone else had a similiar experience where you aren't able to work? Wish me luck...

20-08-08, 14:32
Hi Chem

At the start of the year I had a whopping panic attack at work out of the blue. I went home and went to the doc. The need not to go to work for fear of another one was overwhelming especially due to the nature of my job and the responsibilities I have for others safety and health. Anyway to cut a long story short. I agreed with the doctor to take diazepam, 5mg twice a day for two weeks start prozac and take propranalol on an as required basis. This coupled with an incredibly understanding bf who sat outside my work for hours on end for a couple of weeks so that I felt safe got me through and allowed me to keep working.

I am now five months on, pushing boundaries that i havent in a long time feeling better and now only taking my 20 mgs of prozac a day. ( i do admit to carrying emergency diazepam everywhere I go but I never need to take it its just metal reassurance and recently i have been going out without this two, flying free you might say.)

I do understand how easy it is to relate these symptoms to the actual job that you do. If you can try to seperate the two issues out in your mind. Thats what I had to do I had to learn to disassociateed the panic and anxiety from my job. took a while but you can get there

Hope this helps in some way

Pooh xx

20-08-08, 14:37
I can sympathise with you. In my last job for the last two years before I was made redundant I actually used up most of my holidays for sick days. The same sort of thing- light headness, tiredness and just generally not feeling great.

My case was of course resolved by redundancy which was not related. All I can suggest is that you talk things through with your doctor and your work to see is something can be done to help you. The last thing you need is the worry of losing your job on top of your symptoms- which may also be fuelling it at the moment.

I wish you all the best,
