View Full Version : Will it actually do me harm?

20-08-08, 13:16
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and have suffered anxiety for about 7 years, it started after a routine trip to the dentist ( no I did not have a problem or fear of dentists) which resulted in a strange taste in my mouth, which would not go away. A usually sane person, i fell apart completely and spent months and months going from one specialist to another and spent most of the time in a blind panic and crying :weep:

I thought I was going mad, eventually my doctor gave me a drug (which I think was called Motival ) which did work after about 3 months. I have been off the drugs since then(about 5 years) but still suffer from anxiety, but over the years it has morphed into different problems (although all are health related) - tinnitus, strange smell, the taste thing, itching, and now finally it is heart palputations a horrible empty feeling at the top of my stomach, pain in my chest and a constant feeling of not being able to get enough air and so constantly sighing or yawning. It is as if as soon as I train my brain to overcome one 'symptom' it gives up on it and throws me another.

Although I realise that the symptoms are anxiety related (at least I am assuming they are, as I have not seen a doctor for years) what I dont know is does it do your heart harm to be beating in this way?, faster then slow etc etc, is it all in my mind or is there a physical reaction by the heart and can it do any harm.

I am happy to have found a site where I can discuss these things without being thought of as a 'nut'.

Although given my current anxiety state, I tend to aviod the medical pages of magazines or health related articles as you can guarantee by the end I'll have the the symptoms myself and convince myself I actually have the illness.


20-08-08, 13:30
hiya and welcome to nmp, you will get lot of help and advice here and make new friends to. hugs xxx

20-08-08, 14:19
Hi and welcome along to NMp

there is loads of info and advice here to cover health anxiety

Pooh xx

20-08-08, 20:43
Hi Smcc

Just wanted to say :welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

20-08-08, 20:49
Hi smcc8172, don't worry you're not alone with the heart problems. Whenever I get anxiety (around 3 times a day now) I get heart palpitations/nausea and am worried too. It might be worth taking some medication for the anxiety and practising relaxation techniques, which may also help the taste/smell problem. Good luck.

21-08-08, 13:23
Hello Smcc And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

21-08-08, 15:22
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


milly jones
21-08-08, 21:57
a warm and wonderful nmp welcome to u

love milly xxxxx

22-08-08, 19:21

Welcome to the site I am sure you get some good advice and support on here

Take care
