View Full Version : New here. Help please?

20-08-08, 14:25
Hi. I'm 22 years old and have a previous history of mild anxiety and depression, which came about when I was anorexic (between ages of 17-20).

I've since recovered from my eating disorder. But lately, through stress, my anxiety has returned at full force... and very different from before.

Whereas earlier I would merely have sporadic panic attacks, now I have health anxiety. About three months ago I discovered something about my fiance which upset me and made us go through a bad patch. We are still together and love each other very much, though. It was the same time we were moving into a flat together. Over the next several weeks I began to feel ill with a few symptoms such as headaches. Then I began to worry about losing my job, as the department was in trouble, and ended up resigning when I didn't have another job lined up. I got a new one within three weeks and really like it, but the stress has made me feel worse.

I've had so many physical symptoms and have seen a few consultants but they all said it's stress.

Does anyone ever feel like the doctors just won't listen to you? Right now I am dealing with headaches, sore throat and earache, plus blurry vision. I wrote a list of all my symptoms and went to see a doctor I hadn't seen before. He didn't even glance at the list for more than second then said yes, it was anxiety. This really annoyed me, he didn't even address half of the worrying symptoms on there. I'm always plagued with the worry that, can ALL these symptoms just be anxiety? I'm finding it so hard to believe and am just going in a vicious circle. Can somebody reassure me that the doctor is right? :( He did check my sore throat and said it might be acid reflux. I'm just still so scared and feel like I'm dying. :(


20-08-08, 14:40
I used to have all your symtoms and yes it was all anxiety. But if you not happy with doctors get a 2nd opinon.
Take care

From Bubba:winks:

20-08-08, 20:40
Hi Kitty

Just wanted to say :welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help. Have you read the symptoms website page on the left - it may help

21-08-08, 13:30
Hello Kitty And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

21-08-08, 14:19
hiya hun, welcome to the site xx

21-08-08, 14:29
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


21-08-08, 14:58
:welcome: to NMP Kitty. Like you, when I started suffering with anx/panic and developed agoraphobia I too worried that all these horrible symptoms I was experiencing had to be more than anxiety... But..it is perfectly true they are all down to anxiety. I was only told about the dry mouth, sweating, heart racing and nausea. When I started feeling others I worried terribly and had nearly conviced myself I was cracking up until I found this great site and was reasurred by so many lovely ppl that they had felt the same.

:hugs: :hugs: to you.

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

milly jones
21-08-08, 22:05
a warm and wonderful nmp welcome to u

love milly xxxxx

22-08-08, 18:57
Hello Kitty

Welcome to the site I am sure you find many people on here who will offer you good advice and support.

Take care


24-08-08, 18:42
Thanks very much everyone :) I do feel a little better knowing some of you experience the same things! I've been feeling ok the past couple of days but feel quite dizzy and light-headed... I'm trying to be strong and tell myself I am symptom shifting again :)
