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View Full Version : How I helped myself a little

20-08-08, 15:28
Hi All,
I had terrible anxiety about 6 weeks or so ago. Some of you were kind enough to reply to my comments. Since then, I experimented with some ideas, and I thought I would let you know how I am doing.
The anxiety is fading slowly. Up until Sunday morning last I was doing very well, but awoke with a feeling of dread. This is slowly going.
What I did was the following. I thought about my past and my old hobbies and what I enjoyed doing. Went out and bought a magazine on the subject. For instance, I have always been interested in survival etc, and this subject just came to the forefront of my mind for some reason, so I went out and got myself a copy of combat and survival magazine. There I saw some courses advertised. These picked my interest, so I emailed some people regarding their courses. I now have to get really fit ready to do them next year. Something I have always wanted to have a crack at. This has now helped me to some extent in that I now have a goal and something to concentrate on, other than worry.
I'm not saying this will work for everybody, but it has helped me.

20-08-08, 15:59
:yesyes: excellent advice i agree 100% that having goals and interests no matter how small does help, good luck with getting fit and meeting your goals - well done:winks:

20-08-08, 19:32
Good for you Paul. Sharing this may also help others. Having a goal, no matter how small is really helpful and helps with motivation.