View Full Version : Feeling unwanted

20-08-08, 17:02
(This probably wont make much sense because i'm just writing it as it comes to my head)

I'm 19 yeard old about to start the second year of my 4 year course at Derby University. I'm originally from Derby and lived with my Dad for around 14 years (but with my current stepmum for over 10 years). Whenever i was there i always ended up being shouted at, pushed around or hurt for no reason, even for things that had nothing to do with me. I was always expected to clean up after they ate, feed the pets all the time and eveng et drinks for them.

They never, ever did this for me beause i asked my dad once for a drink and he said "Go get it yourself you lazy t**t". He's never tried to get involved with anything i do in my day to day life and he always uses his "Work" as an excuse. It''s not something that's happened recently either because it seems like it's gone on for as long as i can remember.

I realised just how little they both care when they said "Are you starting your 3rd year now" and i hadn't even finished half of my first year. I met my fiance at University and promptly moved into her room in Halls to get away from them (I couldn't stay away from her anyway =], she's bubblerawk on the forums here <3).

Then they always asked questions like "When are you going to contact us for a chat" and it just irrtated me more than anything because they would never talk to me unless they wanted something. It's along story but at one point they sent me a giant email detailing how they will not pay my fee's to move into Halls this year simply because "we dont want to" and referred to my real mum as long eaton (Which is where she used to live).

My mum has always been there for me and has done everything she can to make things easier for me, she's the true meaning of a parent and she'll never know how grateful i am for the things she does.

At the moment i'm staying with bubblerawk at her parents house until we go back to uni in about a month. Because of my course and the amount of work it gives me i dont have the time to get a job and neither does bubblerawk because of how she can feel sometimes. Countless times we've driven from Rochdale in Manchester to Derby just to give work in or pick up important pieces of post. There was a recent incident where they decided to go on holiday but installed an alarm system on the house, "forgetting" to tell me what the code is so i can go in and get my things if i need them. This caused big panic because there was important letters from the Student Finance company with details on my loan status, even including a letter which had to be sent back A.S.A.P. with my signature to secure my loan payments.

Another time we stopped off at my dad's and stepmothers house to pick up some post and i mentioned i was dangerously into my overdraft and might not have enough money for the petrol home. They never even offered to give us £10 or so just for fuel (The last thing they bought me was a Cadbury's Creme Egg 6 years ago, im not joking).

Today for example, i needed to get a game for my university course (I actually need it for my course, not just an excuse :p), a book that cost £25 and to pay off a phone bill that's due in about 9 days. I can't cancel the contract for my phone until may and i cant leave early because i'll have to pay the remaining months off anyway.

When i realised i didnt have enough money i phoned my mum for help and being as awesome as she is, she has paid for them all for me.

But then i broke down into tears, i'm fed up of struggling to buy things i need or to do things i need to do when my dad and stepmum are living in luxury and dont give a s**t about me. I'm not joking because of the amount of money he earns they can afford to contribute a bit, they bought a holiday, new iPod, new iMac and other gadgets for themselves within a month which came to the best part of £2000 yet can't lend me a bleeding £10 note for fuel.

I'm just getting seriously upset with the fact people don't seem to realise how certain things make me feel. The amount of things my Dad has done to my Mum and the kinds of things he has done is unforgiveable. But for some stupid reason i feel that i deserve all this, like i've not done enough for them and so i get "the boot".

I never slacked off at school, i never smoked, i dont drink and i haven't done drugs but it's seems whatever i ended up doing is not good enough.

Fortunatly bubblerawk and her family have turned my life around and i cannot thanks her enough, she probably will never realise how much i love her and how much she means to me.

There's so much more to tell but my fingers hurt from all the typing and im quite upset at the moment so i'll update this later.

Thankyou for letting me get some of this off my chest =]

Hope 2
21-08-08, 13:04
Hi there

I know where u r coming from with this. Thank god you have yr Mum and yr partner's folks too. Families can be so cruel to their own eh. The childhood stuff is hard to swallow and the current lack of interest in yr life. Focus on the one's who do care, they r the one's that matter. I am hoping to get help with my past, do you think talking to someone might help u?

Hope u feeling ok
Hope xx