View Full Version : pain on lower ribs-please help if poss

20-08-08, 17:27

i woke up this morning with pain on the edge of my ribcage near the front.

its too low to be my heart and beneath my breasts so i know the pain is not that either.

its tender to touch, no lump but it feels like im bruised- a dull ache.

ive woken up wiith it before, but its either never lasted the day ,or hasnt hurt enough for me to notice till now.

its 2 am, and im scared to sleep because im scared it will get worse. im 34 yrs old.
has anyone else had this, or can help?

im not sure if thepain is in a muscle- its much more tender on my left side of ribs then right. barely sore on right. this is freaking me out.

ive got ibs, could this be related? like a new symptom? its sore like i went an did 100 situps the day before......
please, any help would be so much appreciated. im trying not to google and fretting about possibly yet another visit to the doc. ( ive been for blood tests etc already this yr etc)

please please help....im going out of my mind with this one and i need to sleep...

im due in a week, so my breasts are quite sore now, and my acid reflux has made my throat so dry and my b12 anemia thing making my anxiety over this all the worse and caused yet again more mouth ulcers...i just feel awful.:weep:

20-08-08, 17:47
its most likely to be muscle pain or gas related. I get it quite a lot. It makes you feel lousy but its harmless. If you are worried tho, go to your docs. xx

20-08-08, 18:39
b12 anemia worry? Ok get this. I'm 19, and my dad is 50. After looking at both our blood tests, we both got told we have b12 and iron deficiency anemia, and it's no biggie...anyone can get it and there is no sinister issue behind it.

the pain you're experiencing..i think i've had it before. it's a muscle thing, us anxiety sufferers have major tense muscles!!

20-08-08, 18:41
just wanted to add that when my anxiety was at it's worst, i had two horrible mouth sores, on my lip that each lasted quiet a while.

21-08-08, 00:07
hi everyone and thanks heaps for your replys.

the pain on my right has totally gone and the pain on my left side is still there but no worse. i guess if it keeps on hurting ill go to the docs when i get back (im headed for 3 nights in the mountains-cant get out of it) im hoping its not anything terrible- as my doc says if it was id be showing other symptoms and feel very ill.....mind you the big C doesnt make you feel sick from what ive read....but it would be a lump if that was the case.......see, this is how my annoying mind ticks over...lol...

my head is always better in the day, and now i figure even if i do end up having to have twice a day needles for b12 forever then thats ok eh?

better then the symptoms thats fore sure!!!!