View Full Version : one thing on top of another!!!

20-08-08, 19:10
My anxiety has reared its ugly head again lately. I've had time off work with a horrible cold which developed into a chest infection. That has started to clear up after two lots of anti biotics although I still have a cough.
Also, my eldest son (23) is about to go off for 7 months travelling around the world, my middle son(21) and his partner have not long had a baby and are moving into a house this weekend which we've been trying to get sorted for them. Then theres my daughter (17), whos just being a typical 17 year old!!!!.
I went back to work this week and was beginning to think I was coping with everything a bit better when my middle son phoned me this afternoon in floods of tears to tell me one of his good friends had been found hanged. OMG!!! it was such a shock, i felt my heart leap into my throat. My son is distraught and I cant stop crying although i know i need to be strong for him. Nobody seems to know the exact circumstances yet and it has'nt been release through local press etc. Nobody can beleive it and if I'm honest, i suppose there is an element of "there for the grace of God go I" My son and this lad were quite close for many years.
Thanks for listening - i had to get it all out.


20-08-08, 19:37
Hi Judipat
Omg what a really bad time youve had lately hun i really feel for you.
What awful news for your son he must be devestated...so young.
Youve had a lot on your plate recently so please dont be so hard on yourself, im not suprised you feel anxious youve had such a lot to deal with in such a short space of time.
Please try and take some time for yourself to try and relax as your not long over your chest infection so your bound to be a bit run down too.
Wish i could help more, but i can send you some hugs.
Take care
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

20-08-08, 20:40
Thanks Leslie
Feel really drained now - not surprising i suppose.
thanks for replying - i hope you are well.
its just good to talk to people you know will understand.
take care
Judi xxxxxxxxxxx