View Full Version : Wisdom tooth sparked anxiety

20-08-08, 20:00
I have been feeling really great, then I my wisdom tooth began to come through and I got an infection in it, I was prescribed antibiotics which I then had an alergic reaction too.

I have taken 2 days off work, yesterday I went for a walk with my boyfriend and felt really light headed and thought I was going to faint. The doctor said this could either be due to the alergic reaction or the infection, but it reminded me of all those horrible feelings of anxiety again. I also had a panic attack when I saw the rash I had and red about the side effects of the anti biotics.

I am going back to work tomorrow but I feel really anxious about it and am scared I am going to have that lightheaded feeling again.

Words of advice appreciate please.


20-08-08, 20:40
I had two of my wisdom teeth removed! it was slightly uncomfortable but i was on meds so that helped. i have had a few infections in wisdom teeth, it was pretty painful, i found that rinsing my mouth with either strong mouthwash or whiskey helped dull the pain.
I had a rash of my antibiotics too and they made me feel really sick, but a day after i stopped taking them i was ok,
if you do get lightheaded try to sit down, sip something cold and sugary and try to remind your self the feeling will go away and not harm you.