View Full Version : scarey

20-08-08, 20:42
Hi all, i have just come across this site while looking up escitalopram which i have just been prescribed, i have taken one, but am really worried now that i have read other peoples experiences on this drug, iv'e suffered from anxiety, and social phobia for about 20 years and have only just managed to talk to my doctor about it. You all seem like a nice bunch, and i hope that you will help me through my first few weeks on the drug, as i have not told any of my family as they already think i am weird!!! I hate seeing people and having to talk to them, people think i am miserable, but its not that, im just scared, hard to explain.

20-08-08, 20:58
Hi Scampi

Just wanted to say :welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

20-08-08, 21:11
hiya and welcome, you will find lots of great advice and support here and make new friends too. hugs xx

20-08-08, 21:17
hi nicola and thanks,my problems have stemmed from not being able to forget what people have said, and that is why 20 years later i am still living life like a hermit, and scared of my shadow!! I just hope these new tablets will help me to start living life, for my poor sons sake

21-08-08, 09:37
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


21-08-08, 09:39
Hi Scampi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

21-08-08, 13:17
Hello Scampi And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
23-08-08, 21:47
hi hunny

welcome to the world of nmp

a super community with supportive members

love milly xxx

23-08-08, 22:14

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get good advice and support on here

Take care


24-08-08, 18:18
Hi Scampi,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,
