View Full Version : Will be alone for an entire week... utterly terrified! HELP!!

20-08-08, 20:52
My fiance has to leave the country for a week - from Saturday - and I am going to be in the flat entirely alone for all of that time. I am already staying up at night in a frenzy of worry... I am so incredibly panic-stricken at being alone. So many things are going through my mind - most of them starting with the words 'what if'... eg. if I panic somewhere, who will help me? What about being unable to leave the flat and needing food? Getting ill and being unable to go to the Dr? Something happening to me whilst in the flat and there being no one to help at all?

I am genuinely terrified! I've only recently moved to this area so don't even know anyone around here!

Has anyone else been in this situation? How on earth did you cope?? What did you do???


20-08-08, 21:14
hiya hun, well when my hubb has been away i have a complete blitz in the house and keep busy every day with chores and doing stuff that has been put on hold and not done for wot ever reason. when he coms back he will have a shock hehe, mayb paint or have change around, just make a plan and make sure you busy every day whether its in or out the house hun, you will be fine and u got us here for support xx

20-08-08, 21:27
if you do get ill you can call an ambulance also doctors do house calls. i was alone for a week before, my entire family went on holidays. a friend called over twice so that helped. i spent most of my time cleaning! thats how i coped, i cleaned like a mad woman n i hate cleaning.
have you any friends or family that would come see you?

20-08-08, 21:28
you can always go into the chat room if you feel lonly. theres always someone online to give support x

20-08-08, 22:06
ok mishel...next time come clean my house lol

orange.....this is going to do you good even if it feels horrible just now

All the what ifs will flood your mind for awhile but they will lessen as the time goes on..I had this so bad at one point but then thought to myself, I am a taxi ride away from people I know if I really freak out but I never did and you wont, so hit the chat room...Play the games to keep your mind thinking on something and the same offer goes to you as well as mishel...come clean my house lol

Take care will be thinking of and praying for you

20-08-08, 22:30
hey i know what u mean, when i know im going to be alone i panic about the ''what if's'' happening, but then when u are actually on your own you do tend to get on with things more and forget about certain things, and as other people have said if you do start to worry theres always drs etc that can help you, if not then call someone thats what i tend to do...normally my mum or brother :)
keep your chin up and try stay positive. you will be ok :) x

20-08-08, 22:41

Luckily I haven't been in this situation for a long time, but playing loads of music/tunes that you like might help distract you. I even listen through headphones in bed if I cannot sleep. Yep, cleaning is another one, and this site too! Don't suffer in silence, we are here to support you as much as possible. I hope that your anticipation of being on your own is worse than actually being on your own. I think worrying about things beforehand helps us to blow things out of proportion (I say that from personal experience), so I do hope that you will be ok when Saturday comes, I bet you will cope much better than you imagine you will.

Take care,


21-08-08, 14:44
Thank you guys so much... I think you are probably right, I've blown it out of all proportion in my mind to the point of complete and utter terror. I guess I could always call my GP for a housecall / shop online and I have also planned out a massive load of cleaning the backs of cupboards etc that don't usually get done! Have also got large pile of music and dvds at the ready... and even a couple of audiobooks... plus friends on speedial... isn't it strange how we over prepare for situations that terrify us?!

I am glad that this forum is here ... I really don't know what I used to do without it! To know that there are people who understand what I am going through and don't think I am a lunatic and who actually support me too... it is really quite wonderful...

Thank you :-)