View Full Version : Re: new to all this

19-08-08, 11:02
hi i am new here

i lost my dad 3 months ago and my mom was diagnosed with cancer at
the same time and i then started having anxiety and panic attacks
now on propranol 60 mg but reduced it the other day to 30 for 2 days
and felt terrible so now back on 60mg when will i ever feel like me again
i have 2 children 6 and 4 who are sometimes nervous around me because of how i have been so i feel horrible


20-08-08, 21:35
Hi Cheryl

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice

I moved your post here as it will get lost posted under someone else's thread.

20-08-08, 22:09
hiya and welcome to nmp you will get loads of support and advice here and make new friends to.

im really sorry about your parents it must be terrible for u and also with little ones too and trying to carry on as normal is very hard. hugs xx

20-08-08, 22:36
hi cherylb
i'm new to this too. im so sorry to hear about whats happened to you,
i've been suffering anxiety and have had my doseage changed too, which made me feel up and down, then they changed my tablets which made it worse. all i can say is stay on the dose u feel comfortable with until you feel ready for it to be lowered.
i've been told things will get better, it just takes time. all the best, take care. x

21-08-08, 10:00
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im so sorry about your mom and dad hun,
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


Angie B
21-08-08, 10:24
Hi only joined today. The usual thing, anxiety, the odd panic attack. 51 years old, I think its the start of the menopause. Anyway on Propanolol for the last week, feeling quite strange on them, if I have a really good night's sleep can't wake properly the next day, tempted to reduce dose to 3 x 10mg a day instead of 3 x 20mg, feeling so tired and muzzy headed. Also been taking Amlodipine for over a year 10mg a day for blood pressure. Maybe taking the two don't really help. Anyone else taking both of them? Think this sight is fantastic.

Angie B

21-08-08, 12:47
Hello Cheryl And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
23-08-08, 21:50
hi hunny

welcome to the world of nmp

a super community with supportive members

love milly xxx

23-08-08, 22:11
Hi Cheryl

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


23-08-08, 22:36

welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

24-08-08, 18:17
Hi Cheryl,

Welcome to the site. No wonder you are in such a state, a loss and now your Mother is ill too. I would like to offer my condolences for the loss of your Father. It does take time for meds to kick in and you do feel rather awful at first. As for feeling like your old self, I can't say for sure when that will happen, you have had an awful lot to deal with and you need time to adjust to it all. We will be here to support and help. So glad you found us.

Take care,


16-09-08, 10:14

I Have Only Just Noticed People Had Replied To Me How Stupid Is That Thank You For That
I Have Gone To 50mg Now Not 60mg So Thats Something
But Still Feel Shakey But Not As Bad
Hope You Are Well.

Love Cherykb

16-09-08, 10:17

Thank You So Much I Do Feel A Bit Better Still Shakey Mom Seems On The Way To Being O.k. So Thats Good Just Want To Be Me Again I Think It Will Happen But Not In A Rush
I Am Just Worried I Will Be On Propranol For Ever



16-09-08, 23:01
hi and :welcome: to the site,

my mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer bout 2 mths ago and is having her op today so i kinda know how your feeling at the moment, im so sorry to hear bout your dad.
Hopefully we can help you through these times , tc xx