View Full Version : Strange Worry tonight

21-08-08, 00:54
My pen bust at working tonight and work and it went over my leg and hands. I'm worried I will get ink posing or something I had to get showered when I came in.

I also had chewing gum in my pocket and I had a piece but I'm sure it was before it burst but I'm scared I have ink posing. Even cleaning up my phone which got all ink has made me panic.

I've had a panic attack tonight will I be ok? :blush: I know I should not worry but my anxiety has made me think the worst.

21-08-08, 01:24
nah you cant get ink poisoning from, don't worry you will be fine

21-08-08, 03:17
Hi Phil

Our worries seem so justified especially at night. I am so sorry that you are feeling so anxious & have had a pa tonight. I know (lots do) how you feel & how health anxiety can play havoc. You certainly won't get ink poisoning, our minds go into overdrive & we think the very worst. I am the same, as I know lots are here.

I hope you feel better today (Thursday) & have managed to get a good nights sleep. I think in the light of day, you will see things differently.

Take care


21-08-08, 13:00
Hi there,
Like the other said. Dont worry. I work with kids and stationary nowadays is much safer.

I was taking to a mum ther other day whose daughter had ate a whole pritstick.

Nothing happened and there no affects to her. It would be the same with the ink from the pen.

I will hold my hand up in the air and state I have had the same panic as you a few years ago. I was terrified I would be ill.