View Full Version : I need some help...

21-08-08, 06:20
Mine is a long story but I'll try and keep it brief.

I was bullied by my older sister's husband from the age of about 15 and eventually became very insecure without even realising it at the time, for me it became a normal way of life. I received no support from my divorced mother who was an alcoholic and often had to lock myself in my bedroom to escape her violence towards me. I would come home from school and search the flat for her hidden Vodka bottles and pour them down the sink while she was at work. This was when my panic attacks started.

When I met my wife to be in my mid twenties I thought my problems were over and thought I was part of her family that seemed "normal" at the time. However, there were always "things" that bothered me about her family and her very dominant (bullying) mother. My panic attacks continued and became worse in crowded or social gatherings where I would sweat profusely. My wife seemed to accept me as I was but never encouraged me to seek help.

Over the years I built up a sucessful electronics business despite my "handicap". When my wife and I moved into our dream home about 7 years ago I realised that there was something seriously wrong with my marriage. My wife neglected the house and showed no interest and told me it was too large and needed a maid because she couldn't cope with it. I bought her a new Mercedes car and just before we went to collect it from the dealers she told me she was dissapointed with it because she wanted a convertable. She was also trying to isolate me from our two children, which became more apparant as they got older.

When the penny finally dropped, the pain of the realisation that my now ex-wife had married me because of my problems and my insecurity for her own means almost "turned my lights out" totally. She had manipulated me to become reliant on her and her family (all female) for my security. The business fell apart and I eventually was declared bankrupt, I never saw my children for 18 months following the divorce and my daughter now plays the same mind-games with me that her mother did when I do rarely see her. My son is now suffering the same abuse from my ex-wife and her family. I now live in a one-bedroom rented flat without any possessions of my own because my ex-wife moved out of our house 2 weeks before it was sold and took everything with her without informing me. (I had already left a couple of months before). She received her half of the equity from the property, mine went towards the bankruptcy, everything was in my name apart from the house.

I now suffer from what I can only describe as a "body tremor" most of the time, can't keep my head from twitching (which is driving me mad), seem to have a permanant headache and also have a problem with my balance. My feelings of insecurity are killing me and my panic attacks are more frequent (one every morning and a couple through the day). I'm not coping with the pain of realising that I've been bullied pretty much all my life, especially by someone I loved and trusted and gave everything to. I also seem to be phobic to the slightest sign of being bullied and pretty much fall apart into a quivering mess. I have no friends or family and find it difficult in social surroundings but being a very prideful and head-strong individual I am suffering in silence and trying to fight my way through. I know that my body is eventually going to give up and can't continue with the levels of anxiety I'm experiencing.

I've realised that I need some help!

21-08-08, 08:39

Within your post you have answered most of the questions you have asked because you can where a lot of your anxiety is coming from and I am really proud of you for the way you have got through this. Most people would have fallen apart by now. Its no surprize to see that you become "phobic" about bullying because it has been part of your life for so long.
Suffering in silence is keeping you in a prison and you need to think about asking for support but I can undersatnd that this is difficult for you but it is the best move for you.
I feel through counselling and talking over the issues you will slowly unravel the hurt and pain that you have gone through but this will take time. Your self-esteem has taken a massive dent but just by posting on here is the first step towards moving forward and regaining control of your life. Gaining control of your life will empower you and with the support of counselling and your doctor you WILL OVERCOME THIS.
I know its so tough just now but you WILL get through this and become stronger

all the best


21-08-08, 09:09
Hi chap

Man have you had some bad luck bud. I can relate to the alcoholic mother bit, I was in a similiar position myself when I was at School.

I don't know what to say really mate, I agree with Haze and I would seek out some counselling, once you get your head straight then you can see about getting that business spirit back, many people have won, lost, then won again and I hope you do.

Good luck


21-08-08, 10:48
hi im realy sorry to hear wat youve been threw i will agree counciling will help you itl help get all your emotions out and talk them threw with a trained profesional your not alone on this site we all understand and try help each other ,x

Veronica H
21-08-08, 11:05
Hi Kieron
welcome - you will find comfort inspiration and support here. You have dealt with so much and come this far without help, but I would urge you to accept some now to sort out the past and to work through these issues. You are obviously an intelligent caring person but you need to put yourself first right now and give yourself time to recover. As for the anxiety and panic I would recommend you read Dr Claire Weekes Self-Help for your nerves published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6 which really explains what is happening to your nerves and helps put you back in control.
Best wishes in your recovery
Veronica H

21-08-08, 12:01
:) hi kieron, i would say that because of your childhood problems your need for security was great - so you felt secure within your wifes family, until you realised that they were possibly no more normal than anyone else?, and they didnt actually have your best interests at heart and were basically stupid ppl who had little or no insight into anything!

i would say to you that you dont allow this to happen to you when you are the person who succeeded? they failed you not the other way around! if you can acheive what you have in your life then you can recover from this emotional blow that you read the situation wrong and have been treated badly as a result.

i would recommend looking on amazon at the self-help section there are tonnes of books you can find to help you make sense of yourself and others, you do not always have to resort to outside help to recover - afterall nobody can help you to feel better only you can do that yourself - they can guide you and offer advice but they cant actually do anything for you. so i would remind yourself of what you have acheived in your life and continue to be that person that did that. take care and goodluck with your recovery, emma:winks: btw if your problems are rooted in low self-esteem i would recommend you look for a melanie fennell book on the subject?

21-08-08, 12:54
Hi Kieron,

Iam new to the site but your story inspired me to write a reply to you,

Firstly, can I say you have had it rough and I mean rough and tough. I am amazed you are still standing and no wonder you have panic attacks.
I have a panic attack at least once a day and most of the time I just want to be on my own.

I was bullied by my dad (and still am) all my life. It was very aggressive and verbal bullying to the point of no self worth. I have dated men since I was 16 years old (I am now 31).

At the age of 23 I thought I had met the man of my dreams and got engaged to him. It was in that time that the panic attacks started and severe anxiety and depression. I also became anorexic and bulimic. My fiance started to take advantage of my situation and was bullying me into doing things I didnt want to do. He used to blackmail me and use my illness against me. He told me that because we couldnt go out and he was bored of me he wanted an expensive bike. I felt terrible because we werent doing normal couply things.

Anyway because of this he ran up debts of about £13k in joint names,
We were supposed to be getting married in Kenya and it was all booked, wedding oufits bought and things looked sort of positive. It was then three months before the wedding that he upt and left leaving me with £13k of debt, a wedding to cancel, outfits to sell on and me stuck on incapacity benefit.The night before he forced himself on me and I will never forgive and forget that.

He then went missing and despite many chasing I couldnt track him down to share the responsibility of the debt. To the day I still dont know where he is.No way i could afford the payments on my benefits. Thankfully I didnt ignore them and arranged small payments. My parents could have tried to help me look for him but they said it was my punishment for taking on such a bad man and for not 'pulling myself together in time'.

The mental stress was too much and I tried to overdose on tablets. I was rushed to hospital and had my stomach pumped. It was then that I received treatment that I can honestly say 'save and changed my life'.
It was a mixture of counselling and cbt with fellow patients in an outpatient hospital. We did art work, gardening and hyponotherapy. I still have one of the art work pieces on my lounge wall as a reminder or my positive experience.

I had this for a few months, made some friends who were all in a similar situation (some worse though). I got myself on track and managed to get through university on a degree course. However I am still anxious, very low self esteem and panic about what I am and where I am going. My parents are devestated because my credit rating has been ruined by this scumbag and I am unable to buy a house. They see me as a failure for not having lots of money.
But theres more to life than this.

Like the others I would seriously suggest counselling. Approach your GP and tell them exactly what you have said on this board. I am sure they will point you to CBT or a counsellor straight away.
My heart and hugs are with you though...


If you need someone to be a penfriend or support then feel free to email me via this site.:doh:

ps I can also sympathasize with the bullying phobia. I was bullied at school, college and work last year. It makes me very wairy of any more potential bullying and I am very protective and defensive with people because of this.

22-08-08, 22:32
Thanks to all those people that have sent me a reply. It means a lot to me...really.

Choccy25...tried to send you an email but I don't know whether it got through.

Thanks for your support.


22-08-08, 23:50
you have a reply chuck!!!!

22-08-08, 23:55
You've built up a successful business once - you've proved you have the skill and drive to do it. Believe in yourself. You've done it before - you can do it again. Good luck.