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21-08-08, 07:32
I have had so many questions? I have had many health problems and have recently been diagnosed with panic attacks and ad. It all started one day I was sitting at my computer chair and all of the sudden I could not breath thought it was an asthma attack so took my inhaler didn't help kept getting worse! I was diagnosed as having acute bronchitis , heat exhaustion and bronchial spasms. Thought ok treat them then I will be fine but I wasn't they put me on prednisone which I had a reaction too a bad one seems I was allergic too it then the strangest thing I was no longer able to use my inhalers they were giving me the opposite reaction as what they were suppose too do? I already have a neck and back injery that I have too take strong pain meds for so I could not take the xanax they had tried me on it then when my doctor that gave me the pain meds found out and I told him what it was doing to me he told me not to take them they were too much together! Now I use too be very good at my job I had been there 11 years I have now lost it because of this. I use too be a very outgoing person would take care of many things now if I leave my room I feel like I cant breath. I get alot of headachs, upset stomach, have been to the hospital for my heart it sucks too because I had been previously diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse anyway. I don't want too drive anymore and I loved driving. they also found that I have ostioporosis and I am only 31 but it could be do to some of the inhalers I was on. I am so tired all the time. I worry because I have 3 kids that need me and I have a hard time doing anything anymore! My chest burns and hurts , troat irritation lump swollen, neck and sholder pain, I am always thinking about breathing and when I sleep I wake up many times cause I have stopped breathing worry that I may have sleep apnia? I do not feel like eating, ringing in my ears , problums with my vision of all kinds , trouble consentrating or remembering things. Was going to start going to a counsiler that said he could help me but found out since I was fired the already tured my insurance off! I need help bad!!! I do not know what too do can't keep living like this just feel like I suffer all day so sad! And mostly my fiancee and family do not understand say it is all in my head! They cannot understand how just making phone calls or going to the store is so hard for me and since my reactions to meds I am afraid to take anything new for what it might do to me? Makes it hard with my astma since I can't take what I once did! I have so much going on so much stress things I have to handle every time I try too I have an even worse attack! Please help if anyone has some helpful advice or tips to get me out of this rut!!! Thanks!!!

21-08-08, 08:18
Hi Tired and welcome to NMP

If you have a whizz about the site you'll find lots of useful information and great support through the forum

Nice to have you on board

Pooh x

21-08-08, 09:46
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


21-08-08, 12:55
Hello And Welcome To The Site, Sounds Like You Got Very Overwhelmed When This Happened Now Your Feeding Into It Which We Do, We Need To Leran Not Too By Telling Ourselves This Shall Pass Its Only Anxiety, And It Will, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

21-08-08, 20:43
Hi Tired

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

milly jones
21-08-08, 21:28
a warm and wonderful nmp welcome to u

love milly xxxxx