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21-08-08, 08:27
I'm going out of my mind with worry! I have 2 small children (one is 3.5 years the other 5 months)

It all started last Thurs, when I popped in to see my grandad who came out of hospital (he has gone back in now, and things aren't looking good) but while I was round there, started feeling really panicky.
Came home and went to bed as normal. Next day woke feeling really headachey dizzy and wobbly and fuzzy eyed, rang my doc and went to see him, he has referred me to a neuroligist, as I saw him a year ago with headaches, he said he's not concerned, but just wants me to speak to them as my symptons 'dont fit any box'.
Well, since then I've not had any head aches, just feel awfull. sick, dizzy heavy eyes, I go to bed at 9, wake at 6.30 - kids go right through, and wake feeling so panicky, my heart is thumping, So I went back to my doc yesterday and he asssured me as much as he could that my head is nothing 'life threatening' and said i was suffering from anxiety.

Just got back from the supermarket and really feel i could chuck up, just want to cry, I want this feeling to go away.

I'm sorry i'm going on.....

Told me other half and he turned round and said 'so you can snap out of this now then' if only it was that simple.

I'm walking around the shop and wondering if i'm the only person to feel like this! Popped and saw my dad earlier and i felt a lot better when i was there talking to him (although the dizzy wobbly feeling was still there!).

am i on my own? how can i get rid of these feelings??

21-08-08, 09:33
Hi Claire

As you begin to explore the site and the posts from other members you are going to realise just how many people suffer from exactly the same symptoms. I know its scarey and uncomfortable is an understatement but there are ways to deal and cope and to recover from this.

Welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

21-08-08, 09:42
Hi Claire Pooh's right. Have a look around you will see you are definitely not alone. Many of us suffer from the same symptoms of anxiety.

If I had a pound for every time someone said to me '' Pull your socks up'' ''Come on snap out of it'' .........OK, so I LIKE feeling like this?? if i could have pulled my socks up I would have done it years ago!!!!

21-08-08, 09:44
Hi Claire

You are not alone I suffer with Health Anxiety to, the tight throat feeling sick, chest pains got no energy cant be bothered to do anything anymore and think about having a serious illness all day reading this site has helped me loads esp with knowing im not alone, I am off back to the doctors for some more reasurance tonight. My partner was much the same as yours he just didn't get it I have started a diary this week writing everything down how I feel what i have eaten and my worries during the day I update it all day and asked my partner to read it he has been much more understanding since and feels he is understanding the way I am at the moment a bit more. xx

21-08-08, 10:04
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


21-08-08, 12:07
Thanks for your replys.....
anyone got any advice on how to get rid of these feelings??
or how long it lasts for?

I just find it so hard to believe that the way I'm feeling is all down to anxiety (I Guess thats what health anxiety is lol!) feel so nauseous, sick, my eyes just want to go in to a stare!

21-08-08, 12:24
Claire - I so sympathise with you. The feelings you get are very real and frightening. You are definitely not alone in feeling like this. I went through a very similar thing many years ago when my kids were very small. Also with your Grandad being poorly it's not surprising anxiety has come along and grabbed hold of you.

It is difficult when family and friends expect you to 'snap out of it'..............unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Maybe you could get your Doc to refer you for CBT, I found it very helpful. You need to change your thought process to a more positive approach ( I know it's easier said than done!). There are many books worth reading.............Dr Claire Weekes has some excellent ones.

This forum is brilliant and people will listen, and give advice if they can. So many people are in a similar situation. Pooh is right, there are ways of dealing and coping with anxiety.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.


21-08-08, 18:12
I find it helps to take 2 Paracetamol every 4 hours. Seems to help with the "pain" and twitches as I seem to have electric feelings throughout my body mainly arms and legs plus neck shoulder and headaches. It just helps a little bit.

21-08-08, 21:45
You are not alone. I am a mum to 3 young childre (6,4 & 2) its hard work and I worry about our health 24/7, it really takes over my life and i find my life a struggle.

I feel lightheaded, dizzy etc... every day. I recently had a bad headache and was advised to have an eye test to rule out any nasties which did reassure me. My aunties brain tumour was diagnosed this way.

If you had anything like that you would have alot of other symptoms, my auntie did and she has reassured me alot.

It sounds like you have very bad anxiety symptoms. Pm me if you ever need to chat.