View Full Version : Small journey, big worry

21-08-08, 08:59
As you may have seen from my wisdom tooth message I have been a bit ill this week which has triggered some anxiety again.

Work have asked me to go to Hastings for a meeting (about 2 hrs on train from London). This is a big thing as normally I don't go because I am not that high up but the person who goes is away. I will be with someone else when I arrived. I am really scared I will get on the train and then feel light headed and will feel dizzy and light headed when I am far from home.


21-08-08, 09:10
have you xanx or something you could take? i'm still bad with trains, only able to manage an hours train ride. are you going to be on the train on your own?

21-08-08, 20:04

I have similar worries and I manage journeys like the one you are going on, by trying to be in control. I do deep breathing, three big breaths in then releasing slowly and repeating. Though I don't take medicine I sometimes carry some on me as an insurance policy.
Have a mobile phone with you so if you do feel shakey, you can phone someone you trust.Also ssomething to distract you an ipod or book

Hope all goes well.
