View Full Version : Two new symptoms in bed last night.

Malton Seadog
21-08-08, 13:35
Hi all,

I was having a panicy moment in bed last night, as is the norm unfortunately, and I experienced two new 'symptoms'.

Firstly, I had a sort of vibrating on my chest. It was right in the middle, right between the nipples if you like. It felt like a sort of muscle spasm but got me wound up a bit thinking it was a heart flutter or something! Has anyone ever experienced this?

Secondly, in my right ear, there was a very low grumbling sort of noise. The sort of sound you hear when a big lorry goes past outside or a very distant plane goes over. It was quiet, but it was definitely there and only in my right ear.

Any ideas guys?

21-08-08, 15:00
You're probably right and it was just a muscle twich or spasm in your chest - were you tense at all?! And the second thing sounds like tinnitus - I get odd noises all the time in one or the other ear, which can vary from very high pitched squealing to low rumbley noises.

I'm sure they are nothing to worry about. Although, once I woke up having heard a very loud rumbley noise, and a shaking. the only thing I could think of that would make that sort of noise and hsaking was a lorry driving into the house. but clearly it hadn't as the house was still intact. Went back to sleep. Woke up the next morning and it had actually been a minor earthquake! in Scotland!

Malton Seadog
21-08-08, 15:02
I was tense as I was having a small anxiety attack at the time. I reckon it was tension.

Thanks for your reply. :)

21-08-08, 15:55
Have you tried the CDs you can get which relax your muscles and help you get back to sleep? I have one from No Panic. It focuses on the word "relax" and gets you to tense your muscles and then relax.

It has always helped get me back to sleep.


21-08-08, 17:45

I have experienced the tremble quite often. As for the noise I think it is because your senses are heighened, again I have ezperienced strange noises.

The thing is it sounds like you have a very negative association with bed now so somehow if you can it would be good to change that, i know easier said than done.