View Full Version : Waiting for blood results...panic!

21-08-08, 13:37
Hi all

I am waiting for blood results I had done on Monday

My new GP(I have recently moved house)has ordered a full screen and it took me so much by surprise that I'm in such a panic

I have had problems with my stomach and bowel for months and saw a consultant but then moved house so had to be re referred

They are doing everything from FBC,Glucose,ESR,CRP,H PYlori etc etc

Obviously it's good that they are being thorough.I had them taken on Monday and they said the results would be in on Monday which is a bank holiday so I bet I will have to wait longer

I'm certain I have bowel cancer and I'm in such a state
I have to see a different GP this afternoon about my anxiety so I am hoping very much she will check if theres any back early...fat chance!

Sorry , just needed to vent , hubby is at work and noone to talk to

H x

21-08-08, 13:44
You do NOT have bowel cancer. Trust me, and your blood tests will b e all clear. Stomach issues can be caused by anxiety. Im 19 and I get tons of gas and acid and sometimes, bowel issues. I also think bowel cancer but my blood tests showed nothing but anemia and I was told to take iron and b12 and just "plenty of fruits and veggies".

21-08-08, 14:45

Its a shame that we have to wait so long for blood tests. I remember when my full bloods were done near to Xmas, and i got my results on Xmas Eve..so that week waiting was a nightmare.Hope everything works out ok for you hunny.. People on here are so kind and supportive though so im sure it will help you through the waiting.:hugs:

21-08-08, 16:25
As the others have said you don't have bowel cancer I had these blood tests a few years ago because I was having severe problems with my stomach. I didn't have helicobacter pylori but suffering from an over production of acid causing horrendous pains (family trait). FBC Full Blood Count ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate CRP C-Reactive Protein Please stop worrying.