View Full Version : The Powerful Mind

Hope 2
21-08-08, 15:43
Hello All

Don't know where this will go but I felt compelled to post about this especially after reading some posts around the site.

Our brain is our control centre. It is responsible for both physical and mental functions. In the day to day running of the body, the two can work in perfect harmony. When our mental faculties experience difficulties, the physical department becomes more apparent.

Some of us are more troubled by physical symptoms than others. Some of us experience unwanted thoughts. Whatever we suffer with, whatever the cause, the physical reaction resulting from the mental stimulus, is for many of us, part of our everyday lives. We can have all the understanding in the world about what is happening to us, but I feel we have to have the ability within ourselves to overcome the battle between mind and body.

Many of us beat ourselves up for not having the ability/strength/motivation etc, for winning this war. I am not meaning we should fight. I am of the opinion we can only overcome our problems, when we are ready. We are all so very different, each of us unique, yet connected so intimately by our experiences regarding our mental health. This website is a prime example of individuals uniting in the comfort zone of understanding. Whatever our problem, no matter how complex or simple, we can find true empathy and compassion.

I guess my main point I wish to get across is that our mind is so very powerful, it controls us in several ways. When it comes to our mind related problems, no matter how these physically manifest, when we regain control, we can recover. We all have a different journey to take. Nobody is the same, to compare ourselves to others, is unfair on us, try to take credit for what you as an individual has achieved along the way so far.

The thing that strikes me mostly is the damage the mind's power can do. For around 5 years I was sure I or my child was going to die from HIV. My head was constantly telling me to be on red alert.......or else....you will die. Each time I began to 'win' , my mind would bring up a new one. I then began to be sure I would (unintentionally) cause others' to contract HIV....... eg, children at my child's school. I also had some times where my mind told me I was the risk factor, I had HIV.

I had all the medical knowledge needed to know that HIV was very unlikely to have any part of my life whatsoever. Try telling my heart that though. Like many of us, I recognised my thoughts were irrational and when I had rational periods, I felt a little less anxious. Nothing stoppped the fear. My mind told me it was true. My heart knew it was so very possible. The torment we feel..........

Only when we stop believing in what our minds/physical symptoms tell us (if anything), can we be free. I feel we can't achieve this until we believe in ourselves, heart, soul and spirit. I only recently began to believe a little in myself, how ...... because I found out that the very thing at the very core of my exsistance, was a big fat LIAR. My own mind decieved me. No more, I have taken away it's power, I control it now, so can you.

For those of you out there who could do with some hope. Take some away from this, and know that just cos yr mind/body is 'telling' you something, doesn't mean it is going to happen. When the door does unlock, and only you have the key, then you can take that leap of faith and by god it feels like nothing else ever has when you realise, finally that harm isn't gonna come, afterall.

Regards to all
Julia xx

21-08-08, 16:13
That's a lovely message of hope Julia. Thank you.

That's one of my first memories of "anxiety", when I was about 9 years old, thinking I'd get HIV, that was when it was all the rage so to speak ... you look back and see signs of the development of anxiety.

I wonder if you could offer me some advice?

I think I am on my way to recovery but it is very slow and frustrating.

My main problems are this:

- feeling a little depressed/tearful a lot of the time
- feeling a little anxious a lot of the time

I don't have severe symptoms like chest pains and things, just a general feeling that I'm not ok.

How do you cope with that?

21-08-08, 17:55
hiya matey, wow you have done well with that thread matey. is that wot the wine did mate hehe, i had banging head this morn but no words of wisdom apart from dont drink lol.

but seriously u doing great hun and as usual u r very right. hugs to u my matey xxxx

Hope 2
21-08-08, 22:44
Thanks for the responses Emma and Donna.

Don't know what you mean about the wine Donna tee hee. As always you are right there to support me, I am so grateful.

Emma, only last week I posted my first thread relating to my childhood. Like you, I now recognise that actually, I knew what anxiety felt like at the age of 10. Mine began as a result of being regularly told that 'we are all gonna burn, you'll see'. As for my HIV phobia Emma, I could write a book, and I have only this year been able to admit (publicly) what my actual phobia was. I couldn't even write the word without wanting to vomit once over. Anyway.............lol.

Have you had any help with your problems so far ?

The first thing I would do is ask yourself why you think you have these probs. For example, why did HIV actually become an issue for you ? I feel that some of us can be greatly affected by something others brushed off, especially during childhood. Once we know why we are like we are, then maybe we can cope and deal. When you feel depressed, tearful, anxious, what is going on in your thoughts ? I have always despised analysing myself, but eventually I saw it was the way forward (for me). But it does hurt and it is hard work.

In a nutshell, I am sure you will work out your own path to follow. But us lot here are always here to help and listen. You can not only cope with your anxiety and depression, you can get rid of it too. Unfortunately we have to be patient and persistent :mad: but you WILL do it.

Gimme a shout anytime
Hope this makes sense :wacko:
Julia xx

21-08-08, 22:56
Hi Hope ..what a great post ...it made me think ...
I get annoyed with myself as I know Its achievable 2 beat this false fear I have but then whenever it strikes which is many times a day ...i forget everything that I know when im rattional and irational thoughts take over .
Im not afraid of anything but my fear, so have become agoraphobic as my fear strikes everywhere so i have stopped doing anything even though I know exactly what it is and that it cant hurt me .......do u have any advice on what i can do to finally realise im ok xxxx

love and hugs
Titch xxx

22-08-08, 11:59
Hi Julia,

I just remember HIV being in the news and me thinking, oh no, I might get it! And I wouldn't let my sister drink from my cup in case she gave it to me. So I worried early on.

I loved being on aeroplanes aged 18, but come aged 25 I dreaded it as I thought we might crash. Thanksfully now, when I board a plane I let go and give away the control and the worry.

I remember checking my left arm for any signs of a heart attack through most of my life but didn't think anything of it.

I got a bit bullied at school and lacked in self confidence for a lot of my twenties.

However, I teach windsurfing and skiing so I like adventure too, but sometimes I get in a bit of a state worrying I'll have a panic attack out at sea or something - very disturbing.

I am having therapy, CBT therapist, I think we might have a tangled web to unravel.

In the meantime, maybe my best angle is just not to worry, as being so introspective is very exhausting. Your advice to be patient and persistent is what I'll have to go with. My dad said last night, I've been looking much happier but this is a setback.

Let's not let the setbacks become our existence xxx

23-08-08, 18:46

That is a very inspiring post and I really do hope that I can learn something from what you say. I have difficulties believing that things can improve, but reading stories such as yours and other success storied will hopefully help to motivate me.

I agree the power of the mind is all consuming, and am now beginning to understand how applying different thoughts may have an ongoing effect on my behaviour. That is thanks to the replies of lots of people on this site who have replied to my post. I need to pluck up the courage now to face the fear.

I like the way you describe the core of your existence (your mind) as a LIAR. I think that is a useful way to think about it. Hmm, I have so much to learn and your post is very helpful so thankyou for taking the time to write it.

Take Care,

Hope 2
23-08-08, 19:46
Hi Folks :flowers:

Emma, you have great insight I can see. I am sure you will find once you have untangled your web .......... you will be so much happier with life. I am glad to know you are having help too. Oh and yr last line was spot on xx

Titch, thanks for your reply. You spoke of knowing yr fear ...... can you tell me what your fear is, and why you have it, do you know? Sorry if I missed somethin hun, I can be a bit thick sometimes :blush: . If I can help in any small way, I will xx

Freaky, you are very kind, ta. I think the minute I BELIEVED my mind was lying, was the moment I felt such relief. I reckon this can happen for anyone, even you :winks: . Sometimes I think we can get so tangled up in loads of different theories that we just close down. Simplification is key, for me anyway xx

Take Care Guys
Julia xx

28-08-08, 20:45
Hi hope I have Pmd you now hun sorry 4 delay haha
My fear is the feeling of fear its self I dont have 1 thing that scares me my councillor says its just the fear of fear ..if that makes sense xxx

Thats why its hard as I have been told 2 put myself in situations that cause me 2 get anxious and sit it out so I can see nothing bad will happen and it will subside I totally agree and understand I have 2 do it but struggling 2 do it as I get so anxious before I go out and so pull out ...which is exactly what I shouldnt do ..arghhh its so frustrating xx

well soz 4 the moan x
big hugs xxxx

Hope 2
28-08-08, 21:13
Hiya Titch :D

Ahh ta fr the pm.

Hmmmmm you got me thinking now..............can u smell the burning.

It's a viscous old circle innit ur in ...... u know what to do..........but doing it is impossible, at the moment.

Have you always been like this ? Have there been times when you have been well ?
It is a tough one and I feel for you so much, as I do my friend who could have written exactly the same as u just did :scared15: xx

You can do it matey, it's just a matter of working out how (state the obvious Julia) lol

Toodle Pip
Jules xx

28-08-08, 21:19
Thanx m8 ..yeah its a tuff 1 ..wondered what that burnin smell was ..thought it was fast fingers typin on here lolx

so someone else u know feels the same as me ?
its hard m8....Ive had anxiety since my early 20s.....im ancient now at 35 lol
but it has been getting worse over the past 12months but didnt do anything about it till 7weks ago when I just cracked and couldnt cope I was hysterical and rang NHS direct and had docs round etc .......since then its totally freaked me out xxx

thanx 4 your replies hun xx

big hugs
Titch xxxxxxxxx

Hope 2
28-08-08, 22:32
Hi Titch

I get a better idea now of where your coming from. Although u have had probs for a long time, they have kinda only come to the surface, fairly recently. So don't you dare be beating yourself up for having these probs hun ok, it's early days really. Some of us feel it gradually whereas others it kinda hits them like a flippin thunderbolt. Any ideas why you had anxiety in the first place?

We can do this
Jules xx

29-08-08, 01:29
Hi hope, and titch

I have been reading your post with interest. And yeah I could smell the burning really strong at my end, ha ha ha:roflmao:.

Titch I feel like you do, I think. Your story is pretty familiar but I am trying slowly to face the fear. I just keep trying to tell myself that my mind is a big fat LIAR like Hope said and hopefully my powerful mind will start to shrivel up - well actually I think it is already at the very very very old age of 38, ha ha.

I hope that you are managing your anxiety a bit better titch, and Hope, how are you doing??


Hope 2
29-08-08, 17:17
Heya Freaky

They do a reight gud anti wrinkle cream in Aldi yah know he he :ohmy: cheap as chips an all..........

I am doing good thanks for asking xx

Good for you I am sending you a big slap on the back for finding the motivation to try things out, cos I know it's soooooooooooooooooo hard to when we r so peed off.

Toodle pip
Hope xx

29-08-08, 17:38
Hiya Hope and freakedout .....
Hope I dont know exactly when or why my anxiety started all those years ago its just always seemed 2 be there but now its hit me whack in the face .

I used 2 go out all the time but since seperating from my partner 6years ago I have been out 7 times in 6years (Night time ) as had my daughter 2 look after ....and each time I did go out i would feel anxious so ive just got used 2 staying in .Day time is a new thing as I used 2 mange 2 go out 3 work etc but over the past 12months Ive got anxious even goin out in the day .

At the mo there isnt anything really that I dont get anxious about .

Freaked out I wish u all the best in your positive thinkin hun and hope u succeed xxx

big hugs 2 u both
Titch xxx

29-08-08, 17:39
P.s need 2 get out so I can go 2 Aldi and get sum of that cheap as chips anti wrinkle cream lol xxxx