View Full Version : Still feeling rundown:-(

21-08-08, 16:15
I started with a cough about 3 weeks ago, its now tailing off but since the weekend ive had sinus pain which is now easing and im a tad snotty but since yesterday ive had abit of ear pain and swollen glands below ears/throat area, feels really tender and when I swallow it hurts abit.

I saw the GP yesterday because I have been feeling rather low, he thinks I can't shake this virus off because I am not eating very well. I am now down to 6 stone 6lbs, so ive lost nearly half a stone in the last few months. He said because I am not eating much I can't fight the virus off, how true is this? I am eating but id say not eating full meals, im kind of picking at my food again.

It just seems I can't shake this virus off at all, my mum had a cough for a month with it but she didn't feel like this, I seem to be getting worse not better now. GP said its still viral so to plod on but take care of myself.

I ended up opening up to him, it was my own GP, not been able to get to see him for ages so was nice to speak to someone who knows my history abit and he was really good. He listened to all my problems at home, my 6 year old is really trying his luck with me at the moment and its wearing me down, I am stressed beyond belief. I am hiding in my room at night, soon as kids go to bed (I have 3, eldest is 6) I just shower and get in bed, hardly eat and just feel really low and very anxious that during the night I will get really ill, worried this virus will turn into something alot worse (meningitis and septicemia are my health fears, no idea why). I spend alot of my nights feeling scared and crying.

I told my GP how I feel and he said to see if things improve once the summer hols are over because he thinks my eldest is causing me to feel very anxious again and he said having a virus so long will trigger my worries but he told me not to worry at all.

Can anyone give me abit of a hug or reassurance, having a rather s**t time at the moment. I had my CBT assessment yesterday and im now on waiting list for up to 2-3 months before I can start, I have already been waiting 18 months +:weep:

21-08-08, 16:54
Thanks Tetley.

Its wierd because i just started with a cough, now the cough is finally going I have sinus pain, ear fullness, snotty nose and sore glands, I haven't had those at all during the first 2 weeks of the virus just a cough so now I feel worse really.

I just wish I could stop worrying about getting meningitis or septicemia. My hubby says im being daft and that wont happen from a virus being in my system but I am a bag of nerves since ive been ill:-(

My kids all had this cough, still have actually and last week one had a tummy bug and the other had a sore throat and temperature, I bet I have that now my glands are up, lol! Its never ending and I worry why my immune system is so low, I am nearly 29, im still youngish;-)

21-08-08, 20:36
Hi Libby,

Could be something doing the rounds as over the last few weeks I've been feeling really run down and has all sorts like sinus trouble, tummy aches, etc.

A few years ago I had a virus I just could not shake and the doctor said basically the same thing as you have been told. No chance of antibiotics and it's recurring because the immune system is low, etc. I lost over a stone at that time and it really freaked me out. So on advice of a friend I started taking Complan as a supplement to my meals. Like yourself I'm not a big eater. Very quickly I started to put the weight on and to be honest it boosted my confidence levels too as I was no longer worrying about my weight.

The likes of Complan can be bought in ASDA and I'm sure most other supermarkets. I'd recommend it as a supplement for a a few weeks to help make up for what you are missing out with your meals. If you are unsure though talk it over with the GP.

All the best


21-08-08, 21:34
Hi Nechtan,

I shall deffinatly buy some tomorrow, I have had it in the past after a bad bout of flu when i was a teenager.

Did you gain much weight being on it? I really need a stone on me. All my family are slim but im the thinest of the 3 sisters. I hate it but my apetite is terrible.

I hope I get over this virus soon, its really making my anxiety worse.

Thank you.

21-08-08, 21:38
Hi Libby,

I got most of my weight back, over a stone. It took a few months but once you see your weight heading in the other direction that is reassurance enough. I hope it works for you.

All the best


22-08-08, 09:11
Hi Libby

I can really relate to how you're feeling. I had a virus for about 4 weeks - swollen neck glands and sinusitis for most of that time with a bout of labyrinthis for a week in the middle. I lost a bit of weight too in that time though not as much as you - only about 2 kilos.

I felt well for about 6 or 7 days, until the middle of this week. I started to feel like I had a sore throat and that my glands were swelling up again. I tried to tell myself it was just a mouth ulcer but nope - my tonsils are red and swollen and the glands under my jaw are really sore and swollen today. Pretty depressing, just when I thought I was getting back to normal.

I guess I'm really run down and fighting the orginal virus has taken it out of me. With the first virus I went through several stages over the 4 weeks before it finally started to subside. It's important to rest when you can and eat as well as you can, lots of fruit, veg and protein. A vitamin supplement might help if you're not already on one. Good luck to you - I'm hoping that we're both feeling better soon!

22-08-08, 09:33
Sounds same as me Leebee, think ive caught one virus and then another.

Today my sinuses ache and im coughing again, grrrr. I am going to dose myself up and see how I am in a week, hope it passes soon I am so fed up of feeling ill.

I hope you are better soon too.

22-08-08, 09:52
Hey libby.

When i had panic disorder it took me awhile befoe i could eat. Just had no apetite. And became very withdrawn. The worst thing you can do is hide from your fears. Have to face them head on. If having a virus is making you worry sick...eat....make yourself eat...eat fresh fruits and veggies...

Most people with panic disorder...(which i used to have) constnatly dwell on the negative and retreat from it. They don't understand that they have the power to contorl their anxiety. Often people with anxiety will create "evidence" for why the feel a certin way. For example..you telling yourself oh my god i must be really really sick. Even though you dont know for sure if what you have is really serious or not. You are behaving as if it is. Also dont just go to bed after your kids go to bed....stay up. Do something. Have a hobby. Retreating into your room is not going to help either.

I wish i could articulate this better. But i just want to let you know i used to be convinced i had lung cancer....and my lungs are actually fine lol. And i worried myself into a panic disorder...that left me feeling vulnerable and withdrawn. I had to fight it. i had to realize that my irrational fears where just that..irrational...you can get over this.

Much love and a hug from a panic survivor

22-08-08, 12:32
Libby, I think half the nation is suffering from sinus/ear/throat problems at the moment. Like you, mine has been going on for weeks and I just thought it was going away, when 2 days ago I get the swollen gland under my left ear. A sore lump in the left side of my throat that hurts when I swallow and makes my ear painful tooand I feel :wacko: very tired as well. The weather has not been kind to sinus sufferers this year, its been such a changeable few months, sun in May then near enough rain since. I've tried ear drops and nose drops and nothing seems to relieve it, so I just hope that it is some consolation to you to know that there are a lot of us "snotties" about. I forgot to mention that the catarrgh is bad too.

Get well soon Love Ddcoo xx

23-08-08, 09:58
Thank you all so much for your replies.

Yesterday my sinuses were very painful. It seems to be whatever nostril is bunged up that day my ear and face hurt on that side too?? anyone else get this? today its eased abit but I have alot of mucus at back of throat which is causing me to cough again and my nose feels congested still on the right side. I don't feel like ive a cold just congested and it makes my face throb:-(

I do need to fight this and just take it for what it is, just another virus/sinus pain but I get myself in a tizz about past things ive read about sinusitis complications (meningitis). I know its irrational behaviour and I am having CBT very soon to stop all of this, I hope.

Thanks again.