View Full Version : Gastritis , MIXED ANXIETY , LOW fatigued , no direction

21-08-08, 17:56
Hello there !! My name is Michael , im from australia and im currently living in London , I have been here for nearly 4 years and this is my third time over here , I moved over here because i have a great deal of friends that i enjoy company with . I like to go out and have a drink and have a real good time . But It all stopped when i first got my panic attack when I went to the shops and my throat feel like it was closing in and my stomach which i have had always problem with gastritis was having spasms which was interfering with my comfort of breathing . It then got to the fact where it happened quite often and all i wanted to do was rush home as fast as possible so i can avoid the bad stage i was going through . Ever since it escaluted and symptoms just got bigger , i was having diarhoa , I was constipated for weeks ! i even had to go to hospital at one stage cause i got real bad spasm in upper abdomen area where i couldnt walk very far at all , but just to stay in one spot and let it recover , I could go on with all the symptoms ive had but theres so many to mention ive had so much anxiety and panic attacks . Ive given up alcohol , dont take drugs , changed my diet to realy healthy food , drink plenty of water , and i dont want to go out anymore but just to find excuses to get away from my friends cause of the condition ive got . but the only symptoms that have vanished are diarhoa and constipation . Im always very low on fatigue , I would just like to know if theres anyone out there whos been on the same boat cause i would love to share my experiences !

21-08-08, 18:11
:welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting with whatever you need help with and we will help as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


21-08-08, 19:26
Hi Michael

I just joined the site yesterday and wanted to say hello.

There is alot of support and advice from the site and it's members, so hopefully you'll be able share experiences of what you've gone through.

Take care

YoYo x

21-08-08, 19:45
Hi renegade

Welcome to the site. I certainly can identify with the stomach problems and resulting anxiety problems that accompany it. I suffer from GERD ( acid reflux ) and it maybe the case that you have the same and that is causing the uncomfortable spasms. Try some Gaviscon advanced 10mls which you can buy from a local pharmacist. Obviously ask the pharmacist if it is safe to take with your medical history and any medications that you might be on for your Gastritis. If that dosent work see your doctor and get him to check you over, you may need PPI medication. Gerd is a very unpleasent condition and add anxiety into the mix and its drive to make you make even more acid then you can see the result.

I hope this may help with your anxiety

21-08-08, 19:52
Hello Micheal

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many people on here who will understand what you are going through.

Take care


21-08-08, 20:39
Hi Michael

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

milly jones
21-08-08, 21:45
a warm and wonderful nmp welcome to u

love milly xxxxx

26-08-08, 10:42
I was very amazed to see how much support I can get off this site ! IT just shows that we are not alone , I was very scared at first and thought nobody would care . But this is the way to defeat our battles and i know the best tool for succesion is love and it will get us very far in life . But i have been told that once you worry to much with the anxiety it tends to bring acid level up and get into the osephogus , so im really trying to stay calm and getting into yoga for relaxation purpouses , i have tried gaviscon and try to use it regurlary , im also going for scan to reveal any missing clues and im going to do more research with as much advise given ! SO much everyone to help me through this and i hope that i can help others towards there problems to :)

Lots of love .. michael

26-08-08, 10:47
Hi renegade

Welcome to the site. I certainly can identify with the stomach problems and resulting anxiety problems that accompany it. I suffer from GERD ( acid reflux ) and it maybe the case that you have the same and that is causing the uncomfortable spasms. Try some Gaviscon advanced 10mls which you can buy from a local pharmacist. Obviously ask the pharmacist if it is safe to take with your medical history and any medications that you might be on for your Gastritis. If that dosent work see your doctor and get him to check you over, you may need PPI medication. Gerd is a very unpleasent condition and add anxiety into the mix and its drive to make you make even more acid then you can see the result.

I hope this may help with your anxiety

HEy there ROn !! thanks for the reply , i like to know how long you had gastritis for ? Have you ever been in any bad incidents like feeling like effecting your breathing or anthing like that ? My problem is i tend to worry to much about it thats made it really bad .. that triggered off the anxiety and bringing on the panic attacks . Im just trying to get as much research so i know what direction to head to . Did you have to change your diet ??

Be looking forward to hear from your reply .

michael ( renegadeoffunk )

26-08-08, 21:16
Hello Michael And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda