View Full Version : Doc wants me to go to Mayo clinic

21-08-08, 18:42
I just got back from a cardiologist to get a 2nd opinion as to whether or not I have dysautonomia. I went through the whole spill about all my symptoms and how I feel. He said it was out of his realm, and that I needed to go to the Mayo clinic in Florida. Talk about stressing me out! I asked him if all this could be caused by anxiety, and he said "No, There are several things going on with you. Anxiety may be a factor in it, but I don't believe it's causing it. I would suggest a good internal medicine doctor. If you were my son, I would take you to the Mayo Clinic in Florida." Symptoms for today: chest pain, extreme light headedness, pressure in my sinus cavity and back of head, and not being able to stand or walk long or far without the symptoms getting much worse and needing to lay down.


21-08-08, 18:51
Sounds a little like angina...maybe???? Sorry not wanting to scare you. Probably nothing ......

21-08-08, 20:16
Hugs to you, what makes them think its not anxiety??

Your symptoms are all on the anxiety symptom list

I certainly get light headed etc.... and I have heard loads of people with anxiety say they get the same, my friend used to pass out when she was bad with anxiety

21-08-08, 22:19
Sounds a little like angina...maybe???? Sorry not wanting to scare you. Probably nothing ......

Thanks, but I've had an echocardiogram, 24 hr holter test, several EKGs, etc. They can't find anything wrong with my heart.

To jay1979: It could be anxiety. I'm still keeping that open. My light-headedness just doesn't seem to go away. All day every day, never stopping. I'm willing to accept it if it's anxiety, but I just haven't had any doctors get behind that as being a cause even when I suggest it to them. I'm going to "treat" it anyway since it couldn't hurt anything. Today I just got in the mail three books:
Treating Health Anxiety - Steven Taylor and Gardon Asmundson
It's Not All in Your Head - Steven Taylor and Gardon Asmundson
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook - Edmund J. Bourne

I also have two more books on the way I heard about on the forums. Also ordered an ounce of lavender oil. I'll snort it like cocaine if it helps any. I'm willing to try anything to make me back to normal. Wish me luck!

21-08-08, 22:31
Ah ok. Its probably anxiety then. Thought of angina cos I thought you said your heart ache is getting worse when walking etc and you have to lay down. But all the symptoms together are very likely to be anxiety related. We all seem to get the weirdest symptoms. I am new to this site but have been reading loads of entries in this forum. Most of the symptoms are neurological or/and muscular. Also what most of us class as sinuses is the jaw aching. I have not noticed it before either and was certain my ears and teeth and sinuses are all infected, but have seen 2 ent's so far and no infections, only jaw is out of place. Concentrate on lowerring your tounge all the time (not to press it against your gums) and try and relax your jaws.

22-08-08, 11:18

Welcome to the site. I expect that you know that the term Dysautonia is a umbrella term for a number of conditions that cause an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system or as most people understand autonomic overload.

There is a fantastic book you may be able to purchase from amazon that describes your symptoms exactly.

Its called

" Coping with a Stressed Nervous System" autonomic overload explained
by Dr Kenneth Hambly and Alice Muir

First published 2005 by Sheldon Press ISBN 0-85969-946-3

It is written dy a doctor who had it himself and describes how most doctors dont recognise this debilitating condition. Have a read and tell me what you think.

I hope that this is helpfull

22-08-08, 13:34
Thank you Ron! I'm on my way to order the book right now.