View Full Version : Here we go

21-08-08, 20:06
This time tomorrow I will be in Menorca, and it's all starting already. My head is dizzy, feeling hot, a bit laboured with the breathing, feel like I am thinking through a cloud.

There is 2 voices in my head (an expression, I am not finally mad lol) one is what if's and the other is bring it on.

Sigh, I wish I could just go with the flow when it comes to going away.

Is it excitement gone wrong?

One of these days I will get off my backside and go see someone to find out why I get like this when going away, someone remind me to do that when I get back.

You know the feeling, it rises in you, you are about to get panicky, then you think yourself out of it, until a little while later it creeps back in.

Still, mustn't grumble ;), done it all before

21-08-08, 20:20
Jacko I know exactly how you feel, every time I am going to do something exciting or nice I get the anxiety feeling and I really don't understand why. I think excitement and anxiety are so closely related and my mind cant work out which is which.

I hope you have a really nice holiday.


21-08-08, 23:11

awww hey i know how you feel i am the same with going away!
i think a lot of it is the build up to it all the thinking all the worry then when you do go all this worry turns into bloody panic grr .

well i hope you have a nice time with no panic (i will keep my fingers crossed)

jodie xx

21-08-08, 23:13

I have no advice cos I think you are mad to get on a plane in the first place lol

You would NOT get me on one

Good luck and happy holidays!

21-08-08, 23:14
aww hiya and goodluck for tomorrow and despite your panic i bet you will have a lovely time. hugs xx

21-08-08, 23:19
When that happens to me like tonight was playin olympics on xbox started to get excited and panicky....which was leading to effects of a Panic attack...but just sat there and thought no its just a rush of adrenaline cause i'm gettin excited which helps for me. Dont ignore the feelins turn them into somethin else.

21-08-08, 23:24
Hi m8y ......Its understandable how u are feeling ..even people without anxiety etc get anxious when going away .so just carry on with your positive thoughts and deep breathing and go and have a fabulous time ...and if you do start 2 get anxious just think of us all here who know exactly how u feel and are thinking of you .......mind you sayin that thinkin of us lot might make u worse lol ...so go and enjoy yourself and take things slow xxxx

happy holidays and let me know how u get on xxxx
Titch xxx

Cathy V
21-08-08, 23:35
Hi Jaco, I hope you have a lovely holiday and you're right...forget that its anxiety and think that its just excitment coz yes, your body responds to both in much the same way

Hark at me...the 'seasoned traveller' who flies around europe without a blink:noangel: (and who has to have a very large drink at the airport!)

Cathy xxx

22-08-08, 01:43
My partner has suggested a few times lately that it might do us both some good to get away for a holiday somewhere for a few days.

The thought fills me with horror.

I just feel 'safe' at home, chillin' out, sitting watching telly. I really couldn't face the stress of going away anywhere. She doesn't understand.

22-08-08, 04:02
Hi Jaco.
Well i wish i could get even as far as you have now.
Id love to go abroad again but i cant even get the courage up to get as far as even the booking up stage? so i think your really brave and power to your elbow...as they say.
I think your right the excitement/panic collywobbles feel a lot the same, but hey...think of the sun the sea and the duty free!! enjoy yourself and i hope you and your family all have a great time.
Good luck.

22-08-08, 07:05
When you walk through the storm hold your head up high.....you know the words big chap

just remember hold that belly in when at the beach and this time lose the thong lol

serioulsy mate I know how you feel and its all the pre-build up to it....kind of like how the gers feel when they play us lol

take care

22-08-08, 10:11
When that happens to me like tonight was playin olympics on xbox started to get excited and panicky....which was leading to effects of a Panic attack...but just sat there and thought no its just a rush of adrenaline cause i'm gettin excited which helps for me. Dont ignore the feelins turn them into somethin else.

How funny. I get the same thing playing on the xbox but only online against other people. I also get anxious and panicy before a big night out or a gig but i think it's more excitement gone wrong because i've lost touch with these kind of feelings. Good luck and as soon as you get there the feelings will all go away. Especially after a couple of beers :)

25-08-08, 01:22
I am late to the thread but I'll be thinking positive thoughts that you actually have fun and get to enjoy your holiday. You deserve a break and you deserve to relax (well as much as you can with two kids wanting to do stuff all the time ;) ) Be well my friend.

25-08-08, 03:54
Get on that plane take it by the balls & enjoy your holiday, your only here once!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

25-08-08, 08:26
JAco if youve no hilarious stories to tell in caht I'll be so so disappointed lol

Hope by the time you read this you are either there in an internet cafe having a great time or you are home and have had a great time.

Pooh xx

25-08-08, 15:54
Hope you're havin a good time hun.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers: