View Full Version : Back from the doctor...

21-08-08, 20:24
I went to the a new doctor this morning. I was quite nervous and I checked my BP before I left and it was 150/79 and by the time the nurse checked it, it was 160/80. She seemed concerned but I've had fluctuating BP since I was 21. Anyway, the doctor came in and he looked over my past med history/records and then we discussed my migraines. He said that since mine lasted for 2-3 days, they sounded more like cluster headaches. He also said that migraines usually have a trigger and asked me all sorts of questions about work, family, marriage (hubby was in there with me, such a sweetie) etc. I told him I couldn't think of any triggers even though I know very well what it is, I just can't ever bring myself to say anxiety to doctors. :shrug: So, then he turned to my husband who stated I had anxiety and had been struggling for awhile. Thank God he insisted on coming into the office with me.

Long story short, he talked to me for about an hour and 15 minutes. I was so shocked. Normally I feel rushed, but he really dedicated all the time I needed to me. He went over when it first started, which was when I was 7, and had me site specific episodes from then till now. I wound up telling him more than anyone besides my husband! He recommended a book on communication, which I will read. Then I about fell off my chair when he gave me his E-mail address to reach him at and that he expected me to contact him in two weeks to tell him how I'm doing! He then did a physical exam and my BP was down to 150/90. Which isn't great since I'm fairly young yet, but he is convinced it's my anx. which I've thought for awhile. He prescribed me Paxil, which he left up to me to take. I decided for meds because, well, it's been a very bad month for me. The worst yet actually. He also mentioned a psychologist, but I declined and he said he didn't blame me, but it would be harder to overcome this, but that it's possible. The costs makes it almost impossible for me to consider a therapist at this point since my health insurance won't cover it.

I've never had any kind of treatment or talked to anyone professionally about this, so I feel incredibly liberated right now. I always thought I would be laughed out of the doctor's office for my irrational way of thinking. He said it wasn't irrational thinking because they're real feelings. Never thought about it that way! Anyway, I feel pretty good right now and thought I'd share. Oddly, as soon as I walked out into the parking lot, the old anxiety feelings came back and I was struggling again. But it's nice to know I have a caring doctor now and medical help after many years of suffering.

Sorry this was so long, but I had a lot on my chest I wanted to get out. I have been feeling so hopeless for sooo long.

21-08-08, 21:38
That is great you have a supportive doctor, my GP has always been like that, I don't know how I would of got through some of my bad times if I hadn't had a supportive GP because alot of GP's just do not want to know you if you say you are anxious, I feel they laugh you out of the place but my GP kind of understands where I am coming from.

My BP goes up when I am anxious too.

I wish you lots of luck, I hope things improve for you soon.

22-08-08, 13:15
So glad you have an understanding GP. Just wanted to mention that I have bought a small wrist blood pressure monitor so can check my BP at any time while I am at home as my BP goes sky high when I'm at the doctors. You can buy them from big supermarkets i.e Tesco or from Boots. My BP is always lower when I check at home. Hope info is useful.