View Full Version : Weight Loss

21-08-08, 22:54

I have been feeling good for the past couple of weeks so have been observing rather than posting and trying to get on top of things. A while back I noticed I had lost some weight and got quite hung up on it as it seemed my shoulders were more prominant than before. ANyway I tried to put it out of my mind.

But the past few days I can't help but noticed how scrawny I'm getting. I don't seem to have an inch of fat on me and I'm sure I've lost muscle. I'm not eating any less than usual and feel more happy now so can't understand what is happening to me.

I'm really worried again that something is wrong. Is this normal or should I worry it's cancer or something. I have been tired as well and get indigestion a lot. Maybe all these things are co-incidence or something I should be listening to?

21-08-08, 23:02
hiya hun sometimes with stress, problems issues etc even if we think we ok they can effect us without us realising and although we eat ok we still can lose some weight, so dont panic mayb u have not lost as much as u think but u r noticing this more and therefore worrying u. just try to relax and u will be fine xx

21-08-08, 23:27
If the weight loss is signifcant you need to see doc and get test done

22-08-08, 20:34
I had a Fbc only a couple of months ago which was fine. I have also had glucose, lfts and cortisol checked.

I wonder if I'm just running on adrenalin at the moment.

22-08-08, 21:14
Hiya hun
i lost quite a lot of weight in a very short amount of time when my anx/panic first started.
I am only a small lady so it was very noticable and ppl commented on this to me.
I was quite scared about it and went to see my doc
she weighed me and agreed that i had lost 9kg in six weeks
(as i had been weighed at the docs just six wks previose)
as i had already had numerous tests done for other things she was very doughtful that there was something more wrong other than my anx causing this
When i asked her how could my anx do this as i eat very well she said to me

When the body is under a lot of stress from anx/panic it can raise the motabolisum very high and it will burn of more calories than we are taking in,
so therefor the body can drop in weight and sometimes quite a good amount of it.

I think this is what may be happening to you as well
go and have a talk to your doc about what anx/panic can do to the motabolisum and weight loss

all the best


22-08-08, 21:48
have you weighed yourself? try doing that once a week and keep a note of it and if your weight keeps going down see your doctor.
I lost almost a stone due to my anxiety! it really freaked me out but then i realized i wasnt eating enough.
but if your eating enough n your weight keeps going down, be safe and get it checked out.
also if your like me always nevervous, can't sit still then you burn calories faster too.

celia davies
23-08-08, 14:48
if u had somethin bad the weight would come off within a week u would notice if there was something really wrong xxx

23-08-08, 15:18
I too have lost weight due to stress and panic attacks. I've lost my appetite and it takes me all my time to eat even little meals. Try something like Complan as that's a meal replacement and if you take it along with your normal meals you should gain some weight back.

23-08-08, 21:04
I am naturally slim, at my heaviest ive only weighed 6 stone 12lbs (other than being pregnant) and I am only 5ft tall.

I lose weight if I miss one meal so if I go a week just picking at my food then I lose half a stone easy. I can also lose weight if im abit stressed and still eating.

If you had a FBC done recently I would not worried but if you are certain that you are eating well and not stressed yet still losing weight (weigh yourself on electronic scales and do so once a week at the same time?) then go and see your GP. I was losing weight for a while even though I was eating and my GP told me to weigh myself once a week for a month then go back and see him.

26-08-08, 19:05
Thanks guys, I will monitor it and see what happens.