View Full Version : how much more can i take

22-08-08, 06:24
for about two years now i have had a unged up nose and a lot of congestion in my throat and probs with my ears and i keep getting laryingitous any way for the last two months i have had really bad panic attacks and anxiety fidgety and very techy my son is getting to e and i am very exhausted but i am convinced i have got a big illness going to docs today for my monthly check up got bad indigestion and cant sleep been up since three i have also got the council on my back investigating me, my hubby left me five times in a yr back in 2005 and he eventually came back to me properly in 2006 and i moved him back in this yr but between 2006 and now i have been seeing him he hurt me really bad and the four kids and my son with adhd couldnt accept what he had done either now they r saying that i had him living with me i now who has told them this and they have done t before several tmes and found out they were lying i am an honest person to honest and i certainly wouldnt make it so obvious if he was staying with me he came and helped with my son and stayed when i was bad but never lived with me i can never forgive him for what he done but i cant forget either so now they r investigatng me and even though i have proof he wasnt living with me and the place where he was staying have said that they would give evidence bt the council dont want to now they interviewed me three months ago never heard anything until this week and now they want to interview my husband (there is a lot more to this story ins and outs but not going to bore u guys ) i cant handle the not knowing and i know i am telling the truth i have never broken the law and never intend to but it is really getting to me and i dont know with other life issues if i can cope with all this i know i shouldnt worry if i know i am in the right but this doesnt stop me worrying any advice please going out of my mind i seem to fight one thing then another there is never any let up and i am beginnning to give up

22-08-08, 07:03
[quote=tracy1972;376430]for about two years now i have had a bunged up nose and a lot of congestion in my throat and probs with my ears and i keep getting laryingitous any way for the last two months i have had really bad panic attacks and anxiety fidgety and very techy my son is getting to me and i am very exhausted but i am convinced i have got a big illness going to docs today for my monthly check up got bad indigestion and cant sleep been up since three any advice welcome

22-08-08, 09:53

Sounds like you are in a bad place at the moment. Anxiety does have physical effects, as I'm sure you know. All I can say is take one day at a time, eat healthily and exercise to burn off the anxiety. My doctor told me to get a punchbag which I did and if I'm stressed I beat it up. It really does help. I have a few health problems which are made worse by anxiety. since I made changes to my diet (no caffeine, less sugary food) and have become more active I feel better. I've still got the health problems but as I'm less stressed they are easier to deal with. Hope that makes sense.
stress and anxiety causes the immune system to lower so you are more susceptible to illness. Make sure you are getting what your body needs to keep at healthy as possible. Maybe keep a food diary for a week and show it to your doctor. at the moment I'm lacking in Vitamin C so need to sort this out.
Anyway, I've rambled on...just do as much as possible to get yourself healthy and try not to stress about the rest of it. You have told the truth to the council so if there is a problem they won't be hard on you as it will be a genuine mistake. I'm presuming it's something to do with council tax. If they decide you've made a mistake and owe them money I would imagine you can arrange to pay it off slowly.
If you had a big illness the doctors would spot it. Anxiety can really mess up your body!

Take care

22-08-08, 12:04
thank you bunty yes it is to do with council tax but i told them face to face and gave them a letter when i moved him in and i gave them a weeks notice to i only moved him in because everybody got the wrong end of the stick and said he was living here an d he wsnt but i cant cope with my illness as well as my adhd son who is kicking of big time for the last month i went to docs today and they say that there is nothing more they can do for me and if i am still like this a week after he has gone back to school then they will refer me again to the adult mental health team

22-08-08, 14:56
Tracy I really feel for you it is so very hard to cope with physical ailments when life is so sressful as well.
I hope you won't take offence and you can tell me to mind my own business but you mentioned your son has attention deficit disorder. I just wanted to tell you about my experience - my son is now 27 yrs old but had he been born in recent years he would have been diagnosed with same as your son but back then they were labelled hyperactive - he was violent as a toddler and completely uncontrollable and I was rather a strict mother as well so I wasn't letting him get away with it!
He eventually developed an allergy rash on his face and this literally saved his and our sanity as he was referred to a dermatologist . This Dr was very very dismissive but said a new dietician had started at the hospital and she was trying to get the Dr's to believe that children were developing reactions to artificial food additives and colourings ( This was back in 1983) and changing their diets changed their behaviour totally. He said she was nuts! but if I wanted to see her just wait - I waited 3 hrs with the child from hell on a hot summers day in a crowded hospital waiting room and it was best 3 hrs of my life. She explained the reasons behind her opinion and gave me a diet sheet that at that time contained hardly any processes foods as they all contained artificial food colourings - even frozen peas and eggs!
7 days on the diet and I had a lovely calm sleeping through the night child - I thought someone had swapped him when I wasn't looking!
It became obvious over the many years that if he ate any food containing artificial food colouring he became violent and as a teenager he one day locked himself in his room after drinking iron bru because he said he could have murdered someone.
How many young people are in prison because of a reaction mentally to artificial colouring in foods??????????
You may think I am nuts! but I just had to tell you this in case you hadn't tried excluding artificial food additives from your sons diet.
Anything is worth a try

22-08-08, 17:06
Hi Tracy,

I can't offer much advice as I don't understand your system over there but wanted to give you a :bighug1: and hope things work out.

Laura xxx

22-08-08, 19:15
I definitely agree 100% with countrygirl. I think our diet affects our health in many more ways than we think. I am a firm believer that processed food & artificial additives/colouring/preservatives is behind a lot of hyperactive ADHD behavioural problems.
Being educated to learn how to provide a healthy diet, should be compulsory. It's not rocket science. Read the ingredients list and don't buy stuff with salt/sugar or E-numbers is a start. Buying fresh produce is also cheaper in the long-run.

22-08-08, 19:51
i turned our life upside down 8 months ago and changed r diet but he goes out and eats food he shouldnt and one thing tha does send him is chocolate and i have banned him from it and i am the worst mum ever i dont let him get away with anything but he smashes the house up and swears my three other children are older and nothing like ihm at all thank you guys for advice