View Full Version : Scared of DVT

22-08-08, 07:18
Ive got a oain in my left leg,its not always in the same place,sometimes above knee,then below, then at back of knee, feels like growing pain but its not constant,it comes and goes about every 30 seconds.

iv got no swelling or obvious sign of dvt other than pain, i do not drink or smoke, i exercise regularly,im about 2lbs overweight,no other risk factors,ie its not been in my family,

what do i do? im going out of my mind!

22-08-08, 11:37

Best see the doc but from your lifestyle it sounds very unlikely that it would be DVT. The doc should be able to put your mind at rest. It could be any number of things but DVT would be way down the list in my opinion.

All the best


22-08-08, 21:05
Thanks hun, will go docs cos im still getting it, still worrying myself silly too!

Thanks again
Char xxx

23-08-08, 01:21
We can all relate to the worry over any foreign feelings. The doc will sort you out and put your mind at ease.

Best of luck


23-08-08, 01:28
how long have you had this sensation?...it sounds to me like you know the risk factors associated with dvt which makes me think there is a particular thing that has triggered this for you (eg, read a scary article about it).
I am not patronising you I have been in EXACTLY your situation (more than once actually_) but I am trying to understand what is at the route of this fear???

23-08-08, 03:51
I get pains like that all the time. They drive me insane but thankfully they go away and dont seem to be anything serious. As hard as it is try not to worry. Do the things that help prevent them such as elevate your legs when you can etc and see your doctor.

25-08-08, 16:41
Thanks for replies guys, the pain went away the next day after posting this, so i didnt see doctor. I have had it before but this time felt a little different, ie, usually more constant and this time it was a sort of come and go pain :wacko:

I had my ears pierced again that day, cant recall reading/seeing anything DVT related, although after i read about it I was convinced i got chest pain = pulmonary embolism! What am i like ey?!???

I know i exaggerated now, but at the time my common sense seems to leave me! lol

Thanks again
cassi xxx